The public_path function returns the fully qualified path to the public directory:1$path = public_path();storage_path()The storage_path function returns the fully qualified path to the storage directory:1$path = storage_path();You may also use the storage_path function to generate a fully ...
All you have to do is define your custom helper class and implement the HelperMacro interface:<?php namespace App\Helpers\Macros; use Maize\Helpers\HelperMacro; class Ping implements HelperMacro { public function __invoke(): \Closure { return function (): string { return 'pong'; }; } }...
The base_path function returns the fully qualified path to the project root. You may also use the base_path function to generate a fully qualified path to a given file relative to the project root directory:1$path = base_path(); 2 3$path = base_path('vendor/bin');...
I have created the app/Helper/healper.php file create then defined the cURL request function. functioncurlRequest($api_name,$api_url,$method,$requestdata){$curl=curl_init();curl_setopt_array($curl,array( CURLOPT_URL =>env('API_BASE_URL').$api_url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER =...
function()use($x,&$y){} 自从PHP5.3开始有了closure/匿名函数的概念,在这里的use关键词的作用是允许匿名函数capture到父函数scope 内存在的x和x和y变量。其中&&y为引用方式capture,也就是说每次该匿名函数调用时,y的值如果 被修改了也反映在这里,而$x则是静态引用。
Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (#49) May 7, 2021 resources/data Use timezone_identifiers_list native PHP function instead of manually… Jul 16, 2020 src fix rules override (#84) Jul 22, 2024 tests Update PHPUnit options Jul 21, 2018 ...
I am trying to create an hashed password for Laravel. Now someone told me to use Laravel hash helper but I can't seem to find it or I'm looking in the wrong direction. How do I create a laravel hashed password? And where? Edit: I know what the code is but I don't know ...
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens; // include this class User extends Authenticatable { use Notifiable, HasApiTokens; // update this line ... } One of the benefits of this trait is the access to a few helper methods that your model can use to inspect the authenticated user’s token and...
<?phpnamespaceTests\Feature;useTests\TestCase;classExampleTestextendsTestCase{/** * A basic test example. * * @return void */publicfunctiontestBasicTest(){$response=$this->get('/');$response->assertStatus(200);}} To migrate this test to the corresponding Pest implementation, replace the ...
we know laravel 6 also provide helper function for array, url, route, path etc. But not all function provided that we require. maybe some basic helper function like date format in our project. it is many time require. so i think it's better we create our helper function use everywhere ...