使用Count with Count Distinct和Group By pandas数据帧中的条件和多个goupby 如何在laravel的select()中使用count()和条件sql? 使用HAVING COUNT>子句的查询 使用sum & count的多组查询 Laravel 5.8,where子句中使用Count(*)的棘手的子查询 使用COUNT(*)和MAX()返回多列的MySQL查询 ...
1、开启mysql查询group by,不开启会报错,改为false即可 2、使用分组查询,groupBy放在后面,会以activity_id为key,结果如下图 2、使用分组统计,会以activity_id为key,结果如下 3、预加载统计 3、预加载查询... 查看原文 解决count(1) 显示为空 tb_ent_activity_info ,tb_ent_activity_log, info 的id关联...
laravel groupBy count 以数组形式返回每个组的计数 Laravel Eloquent使用groupBy()返回每个组的计数。示例:查询每个用户产生的日志数,并返回一个以uid为key的二维数组。 $user_log_num_list = UserLog::select('uid', DB::raw('COUNT(id) AS num')) ->whereIn('uid', $uid_list) ->groupBy('uid')->...
一些表的信息我就隐藏了,主要看报错:Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause 原来laravel 5.3以后默认开启mysql严格模式(strict),在mysql在严格模式下, 并且开启了ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY的情况下,我们使用聚合函数后没有group b...
如3) 📷 2.6 修改公式中的取模参数,使能适应增加列数的动态变化 📷 2.7 再排序并删列 📷...
'points' => $group->sum('points'), 'won' => $group->where('result', 'won')->count(), 'lost' => $group->where('result', 'lost')->count(), ]; }); // if you don't like to take the first opposition_id you can use mapWithKeys: $groupwithcount = $groups->mapWithKeys(...
Using Where Null To Find Records With Unset Values 复制代码代码如下: $users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('updated_at')->get(); Order By, Group By, And Having 复制代码代码如下: $users = DB::table('users')->orderBy('name', 'desc')->groupBy('count')->having('count', '>'...
Using Where Null To Find Records With Unset Values 代码如下: $users = DB::table('users')->whereNull('updated_at')->get(); Order By, Group By, And Having 代码如下: $users = DB::table('users')->orderBy('name', 'desc')->groupBy('count')->having('count', '>', 100)->get(...
Sorted by: Highest score (default)Trending (recent votes count more)Date modified (newest first)Date created (oldest first) 0 $orders= (newOrderList() ) ->whereHas('orderDetail', function ($query) {$query->where('supplier_id',Auth::guard('supplier')->user()->id ); } ) ->...
User::with(['items'=> function($q){$q->select('type', \DB::raw('count(*) as total')) ->groupBy('type'); }); However, this returns a collection ofuserswhere each user'sitemcollection is empty. Is it somehow possible to group by a relation in the query?