Laravel 提供了几种不同的方法来验证传入应用程序的数据。默认情况下,Laravel 的控制器基类使用 ValidatesRequests trait,它提供了一种方便的方法去使用各种强大的验证规则来验证传入的 HTTP 请求。 先看段简单的验证逻辑 代码语言:javascript 复制 $validatedData=$request->validate(['title'=>'required|unique:posts|...
常见: publicfunctionstore(Request$request){//$request->validate()$validated=$request->validate(['title'=>'required|unique:posts|max:255','body'=>'required',]);//Validator::make()$validator=Validator::make($request->all(),['title'=>'required|unique:posts|max:255','body'=>'required',]...
$validatedData = $request->validateWithBag('post', [ 'title' => ['required', 'unique:posts', 'max:255'], 'body' => ['required'], ]);在首次验证失败时停止运行有时候我们希望某个字段在第一次验证失败后就停止运行验证规则,只需要将 bail 添加到规则中...
* @return Response */publicfunctionstore(StoreBlogPost $request){// 传入的请求通过验证...// 获取通过验证的数据...$validated=$request->validated();} 如果验证失败,就会生成一个让用户返回到先前的位置的重定向响应。这些错误也会被闪存到session中,以便这些错误都可以在页面中显示出来。如果传入的请求是 ...
$validatedData = $request->validate([ 'title' => ['required', 'unique:posts', 'max:255'], 'body' => ['required'], ]);In addition, you may use the validateWithBag method to validate a request and store any error messages within a named error bag:...
Get the URL to redirect to on a validation error. ValidatedInput|array safe(array $keys = null) Get a validated input container for the validated input. mixed validated(array|int|string|null $key = null, mixed $default = null) Get the validated data from the request. array message...
classStoreController{publicfunction__invoke(StoreRequest$request) {$model=Model::query()->create( attributes:Hydrator::fill( class:ModelObject::class, parameters:$request->validated(), )->toArray(), ); } } Object Hydration Under the hood this package uses anEventSaucepackage, created byFrank ...
If needed, you can modify the error message when validated fails. Run the following command to publish the language files to yourlangfolder: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\EnumServiceProvider" --tag="translations" ...
Product::create($request->validated()); This method handles mass assignment. Chunk data for heavy data tasks When processing a large amount of data from the database, instead of fetching the data and running a loop through the large data like this: ...
data: new PostResource( resource: $post, ), status: Http::CREATED->value, ); } }I no longer needed to extend the base controller as I didn't need the validate method. I could easily inject the form request into my controllers invoke method, and all data would be pre-validated. This...