$users = DB::table('users') ->whereColumn([ ['first_name', 'last_name'], ['updated_at', '>', 'created_at'] ]); 高级Where 子句参数分组有时候你需要构建一些更加高级的 where 子句,比如,“where exists”或者嵌套的参数分组。Laravel 的查询生成器也能很好的处理这些。让我们来看一个分组括号...
whereColumn 也接受多条件判断,这些条件会使用 and 操作符连接起来:$users = DB::table('users') ->whereColumn([ ['first_name', '=', 'last_name'], ['updated_at', '>', 'created_at'] ])->get(); 分组参数有时需要创建高级的 where 子句,比如「where exists」或者内嵌分组参数。交...
我们可以使用Eloquent查询构建器来执行SUM函数。 $sum=DB::table('table_name')->select(DB::raw('SUM(column) as sum'))->get(); 其中,table_name代表表的名称,column代表要进行求和的列名,并使用DB::raw方法将SUM函数作为字符串传递,用as关键字给返回的值取一个别名。
在Laravel 中,查询构建器提供了多种聚合函数,其中包括 sum,用于计算指定列的总和。在本篇文章中,我们将介绍如何在 Laravel 中使用 sum 函数计算关系列中列的总和。语法DB::table('table_name')->sum('column_name'); 复制 以上代码将返回给定列的总和。
Route::get('/api/flights/{id}', function ($id) { return App\Flight::findOrFail($id); }); Retrieving Aggregates 检索聚合 You may also use the count, sum, max, and other aggregatemethodsprovided by the query builder. These methods return the appropriate scalar value instead of a full ...
$users=User::where('role_id',1)->get()->map(function(User$user){$user->some_column=some_function($user);return$user;}); 不使用 timestamps 相关字段 默认的,laravel 会在 migration 以及 model 中添加 timestamps 相关字段(created_at,updated_at),如果你不想使用他,你可以在migrate 中移除相关...
->sum() ->count();The first argument provided to the record method is the type for the entry you are recording, while the second argument is the key that determines how the aggregated data should be grouped. For most aggregation methods you will also need to specify a value to be aggreg...
->get();If you would like to use a "where" clause on your joins, you may use the where and orWhere methods provided by the JoinClause instance. Instead of comparing two columns, these methods will compare the column against a value:DB...
So the sum in that cell where the arrow points is the sum of multiple rows in some table? Could you share the code for how you get it? Sounds like you want to add an extra row to that table then just add a new row with 300 to that table 🤷♂️ ...
注意在这里我们使用了laravel5提供的route model binding特性,我们在控制器中使用Task类typehinting了task参数,而该task参数,而该task参数和routes.php中定义的wildcast路由Route::get('tasks/{task}','xxx'}定义的task相匹配,因此laravel在调用我们的控制器时自动注入Task模型(以id为索引)。这个功能后续再做进一步的...