For a single column: $column = Schema::getConnection()->getDoctrineColumn('table_name'', 'column_name'); getDoctrineSchemaManager method returns a array of \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Column Class Instances. By using this you can get everything about a db table column. getDoctrineColumn method r...
Get a new join clause. $this mergeWheres(array $wheres, array $bindings) Merge an array of where clauses and bindings. $this where(Closure|string|array $column, mixed $operator = null, mixed $value = null, string $boolean = 'and') Add a basic where clause to the query. $thi...
valueOrFail(string|Expression $column) Get a single column's value from the first result of the query or throw an exception.Collection|Builder[] get(array|string $columns = ['*']) Execute the query as a "select" statement.Model[]|Builder[] getModels(array|string $columns = ['*'...
If you want to get single row and from the that row single column, one line code to get the value of the specific column is to use find() method alongside specifying of the column that you want to retrieve it. Here is sample code: ModelName::find($id_of_the_record, ['column_nam...
The update method expects an array of column and value pairs representing the columns that should be updated. Mass Assignment You may also use the create method to save a new model in a single line. The inserted model instance will be returned to you from the method. However, before doing...
The result of the operation is boolean value of whether the category has changed its position.ConstraintsVarious constraints that can be applied to the query builder:whereIsRoot() to get only root categories; whereIsAfter($id) to get every category (not just siblings) that are after a ...
->get(); 实际上JoinClause继承自Builder,所以上述代码中的闭包参数$join,后面也是可以链式调用where系列函数的。与Builder对象的区别在于扩展了一个on方法,on方法类似于whereColumn,条件的两边是对表字段的描述。 Builder调用join方法时传入的条件,会以Nested的类型添加到JoinClause对象当中,然后将JoinClause对象加入到Bui...
If you don't even need an entire row, you may extract a single value from a record using thevaluemethod. This method will return the value of the column directly: $email = DB::table('users')->where('name','John')->value('email'); ...
先从这个方法的参数开始,它一共有4个形参,分别代表$column字段、$operator操作符、$value值、$boolean = 'and'。 从字面意思我们可以猜测到,最原始的where方法,一开始是打算像$model->where('age', '>', 18)->get()这样来进行基本查询操作的。
public function wrap($value, $prefixAlias = false) { if ($this->isExpression($value)) { return $this->getValue($value); } // If the value being wrapped has a column alias we will need to separate out // the pieces so we can wrap each of the segments of the expression on it ...