* * @return void */ public function boot() { Blade::componentNamespace('Nightshade\\Views\\Components', 'nightshade'); } 这将允许他们的供应商命名空间使用包组件,使用以下package-name::语法:<x-nightshade::calendar /> <x-nightshade::color-picker /> Blade 将自动检测链接到该组件的类,通过对...
In prior versions of Laravel, when registering custom Blade directives using the directive method, the $expression passed to your directive callback contained the outer-most parenthesis. In Laravel 5.3, these outer-most parenthesis are not included in the expression passed to your directive callback...
Want to get started fast? Install a Laravel application starter kit in a fresh Laravel application. After migrating your database, navigate your browser to /register or any other URL that is assigned to your application. The starter kits will take care of scaffolding your entire authentication ...
不加验证的情况下,提交表单会报419错误: ?...419错误 old全局函数 Laravel 提供了全局辅助函数 old 来帮助我们在 Blade 模板中显示旧输入数据。...这样当我们信息填写错误,页面进行重定向访问时,输入框将自动填写上最后一次输入过的数据表单规则验证表单数据提交到app
Blade views may be returned from routes or controller using the global view helper. Of course, as mentioned in the documentation on views, data may be passed to the Blade view using the view helper's second argument:Route::get('/', function () {...
It doesn’t require several configurations because most of it is built-in. Minify Blade View Always minify the views to improve the responsiveness of the page; the compressed version should be stored on the production server. The majority of the views are compiled by Laravel, although they are...
You can use the built-in language selector in your views: // Plain php:LaravelGettext::getSelector()->render();// Blade views:{!!LaravelGettext::getSelector()->render() !!} It also supports custom labels: LaravelGettext::getSelector(['en_US'=>'English','es_ES'=>'Spanish','de...
Bouncer does not add its own blade directives. Since Bouncer works directly with Laravel's gate, simply use its @can directive to check for the current user's abilities:@can ('update', $post) Edit Post @endcanSince checking for roles directly is generally not recommended...
419 Status Code If theCSRFtoken is not set in the header, attempting to send the post request will result in a 419 status code. 500 Status Code An exception likeSymfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException: Unable to guess the MIME type as no guessers are availableindicates that thephp_fil...
functionroute_class(){returnstr_replace('.','-',Route::currentRouteName()); } 此方法会将当前请求的路由名称转换为 CSS 类名称,作用是允许我们针对某个页面做页面样式定制。在后面的章节中会用到。 顶部导航 下面创建顶部导航模板: $ touch resources/views/layouts/_header.blade.php ...