$parameters);// }// 请看这里,在这里通过反射动态的调用 middleware 方法,完成中间件的处理if($method=='middleware'){return(newRouteRegistrar($this))->attribute($method,is_array($parameters[0])?$parameters[0]:$parameters);}// return (new RouteRegistrar($this...
In Laravel 5.3, all resource route parameters are singularized by default. So, the same call to Route::resource would register the following URI:/photos/{photo}If you would like to maintain the previous behavior instead of automatically singularizing resource route parameters, you may make the ...
use Illuminate\Http\Request; Route::get('/user/{id}', function (Request $request, $id) { return 'User '.$id; });Optional ParametersOccasionally you may need to specify a route parameter that may not always be present in the URI. You may do so by placing a ? mark after the ...
public function onOpen(Server $server, Request $request) { // Before the onOpen event is triggered, the HTTP request to establish the WebSocket has passed the Laravel route, // so Laravel's Request, Auth information are readable, Session is readable and writable, but only in the onOpen ev...
Hello, After read this threat #573 I used the following code to get the current route name. echo Route::currentRouteName(); But the result is: get patient/add. As you can see the output has the word get. I want to know if this is an erro...
Laravel comes with the best feature that is it’s the command-line tool called Artisan. If you use it effectively, You can boost your application performance. You can cache the routes as well as config with using the following commands: php artisan config:cache php artisan route:cache Note:...
\DB::rollback();$res= ['error'=>$e->getMessage()]; }returnredirect()->route('route-name')->with($res); } Example 02 – Laravel Database Transactions <?phptry{DB::transaction(function()use($profile){$profile->avatar->forceDelete();DirectMessage::whereFromId($profile->id)->delete...
Route::controllers([ 'auth' => 'Auth\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\PasswordController', ]); 跟随代码里的蛛丝马迹,让我们访问http://fuck.io:88/home(请自行替换域名),结果竟然跳转到了登陆页? 没错,Laravel 自带了开箱即用的 Auth 系统,连页面都已经写好了。
return'The :attribute is match with old password.'; } } Read Also:How to Increment and Decrement a Column Value in Laravel? Step 3: Create Routes Here, we need to add two route for view and another for post route. so open your "routes/web.php" file and add following route. ...