Of course, you may not always want to select all columns from a database table. Using the select method, you can specify a custom select clause for the query:$users = DB::table('users')->select('name', 'email as user_email')->get();...
学习主题 该demo主要涉及如下几个知识点:创建数据库并迁移数据表创建表单,学习Laravel的blade模板引擎创建名为Link的模型Model 保存数据进入数据库 从数据库中获得...URL链接并重定向 1、创建数据库并迁移数据表单表迁移(Migrations)其实就是数据库(Database)的版本控制,允许团队修改数据库架构,并保存当前数据库最新架构...
The above example will make a single database query, retrieve all the records from the table, and hydrate Eloquent models one by one. This approach will make only one database query to retrieve all the posts. But usesphp generatorto optimize the memory usage. when can you use this? Though...
“Laravel has helped me launch products quicker than any other solution, allowing me to get to market faster and faster as the community has evolved.“ Steve McDougall Creator ofLaravel Transporter “I've been using Laravel for every project over the past ten years in a time where a new ...
1 $flights = App\Flight::where('active', 1) 2 ->orderBy('name', 'desc') 3 ->take(10) 4 ->get(); config/database.php中包含了模型的相关配置项。Eloquent 模型约定: 数据表名:模型以单数形式命名(CamelCase),对应的数据表为蛇形复数名(snake_cases),模型的$table属性也可用来指定自定义的数...
->get(); 这将产生以下 SQL 查询: select *fromusers where name ='John'or(votes >100andtitle <>'Admin') 你还可以在查询构建器中使用聚合(如count、max、min、avg和sum): $users=DB::table('users')->count();$price=DB::table('orders')->max('price'); ...
//返回一个二维数组DB::select("select * from table"); 2.新增操作 //新增成功则返回trueDB::insert("insert into table(vip_ID,vip_name,vip_type,vip_fenshu) values(?,?,?,?)",[5,'小明','出行',670]); 3. 更新操作 //更新成功返回trueDB::update('update vipinfo set vip_fenshu= ?
例如,要创建一个名为 create_users_table 的迁移文件,可以运行以下命令: php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users 这将在 database/migrations 目录下生成一个新的迁移文件。 3. 编写迁移文件 打开生成的迁移文件,你会看到一个类似这样的结构: <?php use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\...
<?phpnamespaceApp\Models;useIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;classUserextendsModel{protected$table='user';protected$guarded=[];// 测试类publicfunctiongetInfo(){$users=self::get();return$users;}} 在app\Http\Controllers目录下创建UserController控制器 ...