If you would like to build your frontend using Inertia and Vue / React, you can leverage our Breeze or Jetstream starter kits to jump-start your application's development. Both of these starter kits scaffold your application's backend and frontend authentication flow using Inertia, Vue / React...
As you can see, Inertia allows you to leverage the full power of Vue or React when building your frontend, while providing a light-weight bridge between your Laravel powered backend and your JavaScript powered frontend. Server-Side Rendering ...
If you would like to build your frontend using Inertia and Vue / React, you can leverage our Breeze or Jetstreamstarter kitsto jump-start your application's development. Both of these starter kits scaffold your application's backend and frontend authentication flow using Inertia, Vue / React,Tai...
If you would like to build your frontend using Inertia and Vue / React, you can leverage our Breeze or Jetstreamstarter kitsto jump-start your application's development. Both of these starter kits scaffold your application's backend and frontend authentication flow using Inertia, Vue / React,Tai...
### 前端环境配置:打开`frontend/config/dev.env.js`,并全局搜索 `` 并替换域名为 `你的后端域名`,注意后面,要有反斜杠结尾 ### 前端一键安装:npm install –registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.orgnpm run dev #本地热开发npm run build:prod #打包编译 ### 编译并...
后台管理,菜单图标,都有哪些呢 可以在 `/frontend/src/icons/svg` 中查看 目前系统支持: zip、wechat、visitor、user、tree、tool、theme、table、tab、 statistics、star、size、shopping、shipments、register、refund 、qr、qq、pv、project、plug-in、peoples、people、pdf、password、 oldvisitor、note、nested、...
I followed the steps and I think backend should work. The problem is that I am unable to make work the frontend uploader. I want to use a vue component for this task and I tried several of them, but the most promising was the Simple Uploader. Can someone show me a full example of ...
Laravel Fortify is a frontend agnostic authentication backend for Laravel. Fortify powers the registration, authentication, and two-factor authentication features ofLaravel Jetstream. Official Documentation Documentation for Fortify can be found on theLaravel website. ...
在目录: `backend/app/Console/Commands/` 定义 输入 `php artisan generate` 可以检测命令是否定义成功 2. 关于后端,URL重写问题 location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$query_string; } 3. 后台管理,菜单图标,都有哪些呢 可以在 `/frontend/src/icons/svg` 中查看 ...
If you would like a head start when developing your Laravel application, consider using one of ourstarter kits. Laravel's starter kits provide backend and frontend authentication scaffolding for your new Laravel application. Initial Configuration ...