将Laravel从5.1升级到5.2后,在升级和运行项目后出现错误。在升级之后,运行我的Laravel项目会给我一个错误: ErrorException in AuthManager.php line 16:Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Auth\A 浏览1提问于2016-01-21得票数 2 2回答 移至新域名并托管后,Laravel文件系统出错 、、、 因此,在将我的站点从一个...
php artisan session:table:生成一个用于 session 的数据迁移文件 laravel 500错误是storage没有权限 解决方案:chmod -R 777 storage cache错误 file_put_contents(/..cache/services.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied 解决方案:sudo php artisan cache:clear php composer.phar install报错 先安装com...
<!DOCTYPE html> Laravel Authentication - Login Laravel Authentication - Login <?= '' .Session::get('login_error') . '' ?> <?= Form::open() ?> <?= Form::label('email', 'Email address: ') ?> <?= Form::text('email', Input::old('email')) ?> <?= Form::label('...
SESSION 默认Laravel使用文件管理会话,下面是我们改为更高效的数据库管理。 创建数据表 php artisan session:table composer dump-autoload php artisan migrate 修改.env 中的驱动 ... SESSION_DRIVER=database ... 验证码 https://github.com/mewebstudio/captcha ...
public function onOpen(Server $server, Request $request) { // Before the onOpen event is triggered, the HTTP request to establish the WebSocket has passed the Laravel route, // so Laravel's Request, Auth information are readable, Session is readable and writable, but only in the onOpen ev...
Even more, if the request is invalid, an HTTP redirect, which you may customize, will automatically be issued, and the error messages will be either flashed to the session or converted to JSON. Form validation has never been more simple. For more information on FormRequest validation, check ...
if the request is invalid, an HTTP redirect, which you may customize, will automatically be issued, and the error messages will be either flashed to the session or converted to JSON.Form validation has never been more simple.For more information onFormRequestvalidation, check out thedocumentation...
FFMpeg::open('steve_howe.mp4') ->exportForHLS() ->withRotatingEncryptionKey(function ($filename, $contents) { $videoId = 1; // use this callback to store the encryption keys Storage::disk('secrets')->put($videoId . '/' . $filename, $contents); // or... DB::table('hls_secr...
@method('PUT') ... 验证错误@error 指令可用于快速检查特定属性是否存在 验证错误消息 。在 @error 指令中,可以输出 $message 变量来显示错误消息:<!-- /resources/views/post/create.blade.php --> Post Title @error('title') {{ $message }} @enderror由于@error 指令会编译成一个「if」语句,所...