File upload and management Uploading validation Cropping and resizing of images RWD user interface, and can be entirely customized Supporting multiple files selection Supporting cloud storages integration(with Laravel file system) Multiple integration options: WYSIWYG editors integration (CKEditor, TinyMCE,...
For a fully-featured, graphical PHP installation and management experience, check outLaravel Herd. Creating an Application After you have installed PHP, Composer, and the Laravel installer, you're ready to create a new Laravel application. The Laravel installer will prompt you to select your prefer...
Nova File Manager A file manager tool and field for Laravel Nova. Beautifully designed, and customizable, this tool will provide a plug'n'play solution for your file management needs. Features : ⚡️ Blazing fast 📦️ Laravel Nova 4 compatible ...
The simplest way to implement a custom, HTTP request based authentication system is by using the Auth::viaRequest method. This method allows you to quickly define your authentication process using a single closure.To get started, call the Auth::viaRequest method within the boot method of your ...
In the App Service page: From the left menu, select App Service logs. Under Application logging, select File System. From the left menu, select Log stream.You see the logs for your app, including platform logs and logs from inside the container.Clean...
NPM package management, tons of charts, W3C validated code, light and dark modes, form wizards, event calendar, and chat application are just a few of the highlights of the solid NobleUI. You can also choose between layouts with horizontal or vertical menus and many practical pages. And if ...
FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=public 然后运行命令 php artisan storage:link 其他配置 jwt默认生命周期为1小时,也就是60分钟,如果想要调整,需要在.env中配置 # 单位为分钟 JWT_TTL=1440 前端 前端视图页面放在resources/page里面,需要在根目录中的.env中加入如下配置: # 接口基础路径 VUE_APP_BASE_API=/admin # 图片...
To resolve this, enableextension=fileinfoin yourphp.inifile. Source Code
file management 关键词的所有扩展包,罗列所有 Laravel 开源扩展包,支持按 Github Star 数量或者下载数量排序。
In general, a Learning Management System has the following advantages: Self-Paced Training Unlike conventional education processes, learners aren’t limited to time. They can pick out their digital programs at any time of their choice. They can continue with the sessions as long as they require ...