if (Storage::disk('s3')->exists('file.jpg')) { // ... }The missing method may be used to determine if a file is missing from the disk:if (Storage::disk('s3')->missing('file.jpg')) { // ... }Downloading FilesThe download method may be used to generate a response that ...
if (Storage::disk('s3')->exists('file.jpg')) { // ... }The missing method may be used to determine if a file is missing from the disk:if (Storage::disk('s3')->missing('file.jpg')) { // ... }Downloading FilesThe download method may be used to generate a response that ...
publicfunctiondownloadFile($filename){// 检查文件是否存在$file_path=public_path('files/'.$filename);if(!file_exists($file_path)) {abort(404,'File not found'); }// 设置响应头信息$headers= ['Content-Type'=>Storage::disk('public')->mimeType($file_path),'Content-Disposition'=>'attachmen...
在FileController中添加一个名为download的方法,用于处理文件下载。这个方法接收一个参数$filename,表示要下载的文件名。 publicfunctiondownload($filename){// 检查文件是否存在$file_path=storage_path('app/public/files/'.$filename);if(!file_exists($file_path)) {abort(404,'File not found'); }// 设...
if (Storage::disk('s3')->exists('file.jpg')) { // ...}The missing method may be used to determine if a file is missing from the disk:if (Storage::disk('s3')->missing('file.jpg')) { // ...}Downloading FilesThe download method may be used to generate a response that ...
在Linux系统中,Laravel框架的静态资源通常位于以下几个目录: public 文件夹:这是Laravel应用程序的根目录,包含了所有用于存放静态资源的文件夹。主要的静态资源文件夹有: css:存放CSS样式文件 js:存放JavaScript脚本文件 img:存放图片文件 fonts:存放字体文件 uploads:存放用户上传的文件,如头像、文章图片等 storage 文件...
Route::get('/video/secret/{key}', function ($key) { return Storage::disk('secrets')->download($key); })->name('video.key'); Route::get('/video/{playlist}', function ($playlist) { return FFMpeg::dynamicHLSPlaylist() ->fromDisk('public') ->open($playlist) ->setKeyUrlResolver(...
2 How to use Laravel Storage::file(); 4 Laravel Storage: Permission Issue - Storage::move() vs get(), put(), delete() 2 Laravel storage accessibility confusion 0 Laravel Storage File not found 0 How to properly use Storage::url( ) in Laravel Hot Network Questions Confused ab...
I have not added the "storage" path name from my blade file with the asset helper function so my image path was not outputing anything but when I typed the 'storage' path name like so asset('storage/uploads/pic1.png) my code worked! Guess this might help someone. Share Improve this ...
$disk=Storage::disk('qiniu');// create a file$disk->put('avatars/filename.jpg',$fileContents);// check if a file exists$exists=$disk->has('file.jpg');// get timestamp$time=$disk->lastModified('file1.jpg');// copy a file$disk->copy('old/file1.jpg','new/file1.jpg');//...