Long questions (I have done X and Y and it won't do Z wtf) - Stackoverflow, using the backpack-for-laravel tag; Showing off something you've made, asking for opinion on Backpack/Laravel matters - Reddit; Please keep in mind Backpack offers no official / paid support. Whatever help you...
Eloquence - Adds some very useful extensions to base Eloquent models, such as camel-case attributes, sluggable and UUID keys, etc. [04/22/2015] Eloquent Encryption/Decryption for Laravel - Automatic encryption/decryption of model attributes when stored/retrieved. [08/17/2017] Eloquent Filter - ...
At the time of writing, Octane is designed specifically for the Laravel framework only, but the extensions can also be used directly in other PHP applications. Some use cases of Octane include: Scalable applications Real-time applications Stateful applications Traditional web applications Microservices ...