* The event listener mappings for the application. * * @var array */ protected $listen = [ 'App\Events\ExampleEvent' => [ 'App\Listeners\ExampleListener', ], 'App\Events\UpdateSpuInfoEvent' => [ 'App\Listeners\UpdateSpuInfoListener', ], 'App\Events\UpdateProductSearchIndexesEvent' => ...
事件本身(事件名称):一边来讲是以某个动作发生为名词,比如:OnClieck,OnCliecked,OnUserCreated,OnDbError等, 这里举例为:ExampleEvent; 事件监听器:就是一个简单事件用来,可用来做一些代码处理,这里我们叫:ExampleListener; 好的,基础工作确定好了,那么就开始编程呗; 首先定义好事件,在“App\Events\"下,创建文件...
*/publicfunctionhandle($request,Closure$next){// 使用事件/监听器入库event(newUserBrowse($request->getClientIp(),$request->path(),get_city_by_ip(false,'null')));return$next($request); } 测试之后是没有问题的。 结语 这次所做的修改,感官上来看,就是将入库操作从中间件转移到监听器中,实际上...
Next, let's take a look at the listener for our example event. Event listeners receive event instances in their handle method. The event:generate and make:listener Artisan commands will automatically import the proper event class and type-hint the event on the handle method. Within the handle...
Next, let's take a look at the listener for our example event. Event listeners receive the event instance in their handle method. The event:generate command will automatically import the proper event class and type-hint the event on the handle method. Within the handle method, you may ...
class ExampleTest extends TestCase { /** * 测试订单程序 */ public function test_orders_can_be_processed(): void { $order = Event::fakeFor(function () { $order = Order::factory()->create(); Event::assertDispatched(OrderCreated::class); return $order; }); // 事件按正常方式调度,观察...
1.2 创建listener 1.2.1 方式一:手动创建 php artisan make:listener EmailAdminUserLogin --event=UserLogin 1.2.2 方式二:推荐如下方式:自动生成事件和监听 //应用程序的事件监听器映射 class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * The event listener mappings for the application. ...
Example using an event listener: <?php// Reject the transition of the approval date is pastEvent::listen(SMEvents::TEST_TRANSITION,function(TransitionEvent$event) {$context=$event->getContext();if($context['approved_at']->isPast()) {$event->setRejected(); } });// Check if a approve...
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { protected $listen = [ BroadcastEvent::class => [ BroadcastEventListener::class, ], ]; public function boot() { parent::boot(); } } 在Livewire组件中,可以通过监听广播事件的方式来处理来自广播的监听程序。在组件的mount方法中,使用$this->dis...
你可以手动创建它,也可以使用php artisan make:listener命令。 不管怎么样,你都将创建一个像下面这样子监听类: <?php namespace App\Listeners; use App\Events\UserSaving as UserSavingEvent; class UserSaving { /** * 处理事件。 * * @param \App\Events\UserSavingEvent $event ...