Illuminate\Database\QueryException : could not find driver (SQL: select * fr om information_schema.tables where table_schema = dev_oms and table_name = migra tions) at D:\WWW\dev_oms\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Connection. php:664 660| // If an exception occurs when ...
Laravel Version: 5.4.23 PHP Version: 7.0.10 Database Driver & Version: SQLSRV 2008 r2 Description: Hi! I can access all of the existing tables but when migrating (creating a new one), I'm getting this error. Here is an example of my .env...
FFMpeg::fromDisk('videos') ->open('steve_howe.mp4') ->getFrameFromSeconds(10) ->export() ->toDisk('thumnails') ->save('FrameAt10sec.png'); // Instead of the 'getFrameFromSeconds()' method, you could // also use the 'getFrameFromString()' or the // 'getFrameFromTimecode()...
In previous versions of Laravel, only the default, session-based authentication driver was supported out of the box, and you could not have more than one authenticatable model instance per application.However, in Laravel 5.2, you may define additional authentication drivers as well define multiple ...
In previous versions of Laravel, only the default, session-based authentication driver was supported out of the box, and you could not have more than one authenticatable model instance per application. However, in Laravel 5.2, you may define additional authentication drivers as well define multiple...
Laravel框架带有一个健壮的日志系统,它可以处理所有在配置正确结构化的日志系统时遇到的障碍。Laravel 6.5中引入的这个新的日志系统非常强大,我们将在本文中对其进行探索。 本文将探讨Laravel日志记录的基础知识,以及为什么应该在下一个项目中使用Laravel日志记录。我们将详细讨论结构化日志记录和集中式日志记录。此外,我们...
8,这时我们在index页面点击链接时会报错“TasksController::show() does not exist”, 这也就告诉我们需要创建show方法 publicfunctionshow(Task$task){returnView::make('tasks.show',compact('task')); } 注意在这里我们使用了laravel5提供的route model binding特性,我们在控制器中使用Task类typehinting了task参数...
Laravel中文手册 前言 欢迎阅读Laravel文档。这份文档既可以作为入门指南,也可以作为Laravel功能特色的参考手册。如果你迫不及待想要开始Laravel之旅的话,可以直接跳到你想看的章节,不过,我们还是强烈建议你按顺序阅读这份文档,这样能让你循序渐进的打好基础,而且,每一章节都是后后续章节的基础。 使用Laravel将是一种享...