修改Welcome to the generated API reference. 为 欢迎来到Api文档 。 然后参考Manually modifying the content of the generated documentation执行: php artisan apidoc:rebuild 效果如下: 接下来参考:Documenting Your API 要给控制器分组,我们在目标控制器类前添加: /** * @group User management * * APIs for ...
First, I will show the base code of API structure, it may be useful to learn even if you’re not planning to generate documentation. Imagine you have a modelProjectand all API action for it: index, store, update, show, destroy. So, here’sroutes/api.php: Route::group(['prefix'=>'...
“I've been enjoying Laravel's focus on pushing developer experience to the next level for many years. All pieces of the ecosystem are powerful, well designed, fun to work with, and have stellar documentation. The surrounding friendly and helpful community is a joy to be a part of.“ ...
First, you may use the names option when calling Route::resource to specify a custom name for a given route. Refer to the resource routing documentation for more information. Alternatively, you may add the as option on your route group:...
Scramble generates API documentation for Laravel project. Without requiring you to manually write PHPDoc annotations. Docs are generated in OpenAPI 3.1.0 format. WarningPackage is in early stage. It means there may be bugs and API is very likely to change. Create an issue if you spot a bug....
The Laravel API Documentation Generator is free software licensed under the MIT license.About Laravel API Documentation Generator beyondco.de/docs/laravel-apidoc-generator/ Topics laravel postman Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 3.5k stars Watchers 68 watching Forks 610 ...
Below, you'll find the full Mix API. Out of the box, Mix supports a wide array of frameworks and preprocessors. The methods below assume that you've importedmixat the top of yourwebpack.mix.jsfile, like so: letmix=require('laravel-mix'); ...
First off, we will create a new Laravel project. As previously mentioned I will be using the composer create-project method. This works great if you already have PHP and Composer installed on your local machine. Checkout the officialLaravel documentationfor more available in...
routes.api 默认值为 api/documentation Swagger 文档系统访问路由 routes.docs Swagger 解析注释生成文档 JSON 文件的存储路径 paths.annotations 有效注释的路径配置,默认 base_path('app') 应用路径 generate_always 测试环境应该开启这个配置,每次访问都会自动解析注释生成最新的文档 swagger_version 这个默认为 2.0 ,...
更多关于软删除的文档请见: Eloquent documentation. 更为方便的 认证(auth) & Remindable Traits 得益于 PHP 5.4 traits,我们有了一个更简洁的用户认证和密码提醒接口,这也让 User 模型文档更加精简。 "简易分页" 一个新的 simplePaginate 方法已被加入到查找以及 Eloquent 查找器中。让你在分页视图中,使用简单的...