修改Welcome to the generated API reference. 为 欢迎来到Api文档 。 然后参考Manually modifying the content of the generated documentation执行: php artisan apidoc:rebuild 效果如下: 接下来参考:Documenting Your API 要给控制器分组,我们在目标控制器类前添加: /** * @group User management * * APIs for ...
In order to protect the user from CSRF, we can follow the approach followed in frameworks like Angular (as explained in the Angular HttpClientdocumentationwhere the server has to send a non-HttpOnly cookie (in other words a readable cookie) containing a unique unpredictable valu...
“I've been enjoying Laravel's focus on pushing developer experience to the next level for many years. All pieces of the ecosystem are powerful, well designed, fun to work with, and have stellar documentation. The surrounding friendly and helpful community is a joy to be a part of.“ ...
If you have not read the concept overview, you are highly encouraged to do so before proceeding with this documentation.Resources only need to transform a given model into an array. So, each resource contains a toArray method which translates your model's attributes into an API friendly array...
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications. Learning Laravel Laravel has the most extensive and thoroughdocumentationand video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it a breeze to get started with the framework. ...
要学习如何实现自定义 Eloquent 类型转换,包括转换成特定值对象的类型转换,请参照Eloquent documentation。 Blade 组件标签和变化 Blade 组件标签贡献人员有Spatie,Marcel Pociot,Caleb Porzio,Dries Vints, 和Taylor Otwell. {小提示} Blade 组件已经大刀阔斧修改,其中变化有允许基于标签的渲染,参数管理,组件类,内联视图...
更多关于软删除的文档请见: Eloquent documentation. 更为方便的 认证(auth) & Remindable Traits 得益于 PHP 5.4 traits,我们有了一个更简洁的用户认证和密码提醒接口,这也让 User 模型文档更加精简。 "简易分页" 一个新的 simplePaginate 方法已被加入到查找以及 Eloquent 查找器中。让你在分页视图中,使用简单的...
routes.api 默认值为 api/documentation Swagger 文档系统访问路由 routes.docs Swagger 解析注释生成文档 JSON 文件的存储路径 paths.annotations 有效注释的路径配置,默认 base_path('app') 应用路径 generate_always 测试环境应该开启这个配置,每次访问都会自动解析注释生成最新的文档 swagger_version 这个默认为 2.0 ,...
so I thought I would give that a try. I followed several different explanations for how to get it working after I completed the setup using the Laravel Passport documentation (https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/passport). Right now this is the code for what I've come up with based off other...
Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel/Lumen/Dingoroutes. php artisan apidoc:generate Installation PHP 7.2 and Laravel/Lumen 5.7 or higher are required. If your application does not meet these requirements, you can check out the 3.x branch for older releases. ...