I am using Tailwind CSS for my Laravel application, and want to remove the focus border on the input boxes. According to the documentation, focus:outline-none should achieve this, although it is not working for me and the border still appears on focus. It looks like I am targeting the...
I deployed laravel filament on production server for testing but css / js file are not including or not working The laravel welcome as proper css / jss applied but when i try to access filament using /admin in url then there is no css / js https://snipboard.io/FfC4Ja.jpg https://s...
In my Laravel (5.7) controller, I have set pagination + 'on each side navigation' to 2 items. However, this is not working on my view. I'm getting much more items than 2, which causes my window to break out on small mobile devices. What can be the cause of this and how can I ...
So I'm trying to get tailwind in a new Laravel app and I'm either lost or it's not working. resources/app/app.css Copy @import"tailwindcss/base";@import"tailwindcss/components";@import"tailwindcss/utilities"; My tailwind config is as follows: Copy /**@type{import('tailwindcss').Conf...
.test { @apply bg-red-400; /*Not working */ } .postcss-test { .working { background: red; /* Not working */ } } I've also added this to my webpack config: rules: [ { test: /\.postcss$/, use: [ 'vue-style-loader', 'css-loader', { loader: 'postcss-loader' } ] }...
如何使用Laravel5.4中的style.css文件? 、、 在我用laravel开发的项目中,我尝试使用刀片引擎使用style.css文件。但这对我没有用,谁有更好的主意让我知道。这是我的代码示例 it's tag is not working but when i'm us following it's working. with(array( 'title'=>...
it seems to be working in "tailwindcss": "^2.2.19", also. mode: 'jit', purge: [ './src/**/*.php', './src/**/*.vue', './resources/**/*{js,vue,blade.php}', '../nova-components/Auction/resources/js/components/*.vue' ], laravel locked and limited conversation to collabo...
CSSLaravel Mix provides a clean, expressive API over compiling SASS or Less, which are extensions of plain CSS that add variables, mixins, and other powerful features that make working with CSS much more enjoyable. In this document, we will briefly discuss CSS compilation in general; however,...