正如官方文档所言,有两种方式可以创建一个新的 Laravel 项目,这两种创建方式都是从命令行执行的:第一种是通过全局的 Laravel 安装器,另一种是通过 Composer 的create-project命令。 推荐使用第一种方式,比较简单,而执行这两种方式之前,都需要系统已经安装过 PHP 和 Composer(如果使用 Valet 或 Laragon 的话,则应该...
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. - laravel/laravel
1.1composer创建项目composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.5 fx; 1.2安装Wechat扩展Laravel < 5.8composer require "overtrue/laravel-wechat:~4.0" Laravel >= 5.8composer require "overtrue/laravel-wechat:~5.0" 开发文档:https://www.easywechat.com/docs环境需求 PHP >= 7.0 PHP cURL 扩展 PHP OpenSSL...
Once these tools are installed, you may open any Laravel project by executing thecode .command from your application's root directory using Windows Terminal. Sail on Linux If you're developing on Linux andDocker Composeis already installed, you can use a simple terminal command to create a new...
Str::createRandomStringsUsing(function () { return 'fake-random-string'; });To instruct the random method to return to generating random strings normally, you may invoke the createRandomStringsNormally method:Str::createRandomStringsNormally();...
Because the project directory is read-only, the /tmp directory can only be read and written.$app->useStoragePath(env('APP_STORAGE_PATH', '/tmp/storage'));2.Create a shell script laravels_bootstrap and grant executable permission.#!/usr/bin/env bash set +e # Create storage-related ...
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel 项目名称 7.*# 或composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel 项目名称 安装完laravel之后需要修改.env文件,设置数据库连接设置正确 DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 ...
APP_CODE_PATH_HOST=../../Laravel/Projects/laravel-project-mac/code/ # php-fpm和workspace镜像要保证和我们的工程使用版本一致 PHP_VERSION=8.0 # mysql镜像使用的DB配置,我这里的修改只是为了确保和我外面的Laravel工程的配置保持一致 MYSQL_DATABASE=homestead ...
cd {projectName} git clone -b master https://gitee.com/georgie233/vue-admin.git vue-cli 安装依赖 使用laravel5 请使用: composer require georgie/laravel-module 1.0 composer require georgie/laravel-api-autocreate //vue依赖 cd vue-cli npm i ...
composercreate-project"laravel/laravel:5.8.*"--prefer-distmylaravel 执行以下命令进入刚创建的示例项目或您已有的项目。 cdmylaravel 在本地打开bootstrap目录下的app.php文件,添加以下代码,实现将Laravel项目中的storage目录放到具有读写权限的/tmp目录下,以获取读写权限。