laravel中的CRUD操作中,通过对代表数据表中row的model对象操作,来更新数据库表。 对于创建新的row的操作,有两种功能上相同的方法: 1.create; $user= User::create(array('email => 'xx@yy.zz','password'=>'mypassword')); and save $user=newUser;$user->email = 'xx@yy.zz';$user->passwo...
$user = new User; $user->user_no = ‘100’; $user->user_name = ‘test’; $user->save(); 批量赋值(可以批量赋值的字段必须在model文件中protected $fillable=[]数组中) $user = User::create([ ‘user_name’ => ‘Flight 10’, ‘user_no’=>‘002’ ]); 3:更新 $user = User::find...
$flight = Flight ::create(Input::all()); 这个方法有个前提条件,出于安全考虑,我们需要在model中设置黑名单(不可以被赋值的属性 protected $guarded = ['price'])或者白名单(可以被赋值的属性 protected $fillable = ['name']),如果不设置的话会报错 注意:如果设置了protected $guarded = ['price'] $inp...
在Laravel框架中,Model的create方法用于创建新的数据库记录。当在create方法中传递一个数组作为参数时,如果数组中某个键对应的值为NULL,Laravel会将该键对应的数据库字段值设置为NULL。 这种行为在某些情况下可能是有用的,例如当你想在创建记录时将某个字段的值设置为NULL。通过在create方法中传递一个包含NULL...
// 创建一条数据Model::create(array('key'=>'value'));// 通过属性找到第一条相匹配的数据或创造一条新数据Model::firstOrCreate(array('key'=>'value'));// 通过属性找到第一条相匹配的数据或实例化一条新数据Model::firstOrNew(array('key'=>'value'));// 通过属性找到相匹配的数据并更新,如果不...
Create a new model instance for a related model. from HasRelationships array getRelations() Get all the loaded relations for the instance. from HasRelationships mixed getRelation(string $relation) Get a specified relationship. from HasRelationships bool relationLoaded(string $key) Determine ...
$query = $this->createModel()->newQuery(); foreach ($credentials as $key => $value) { if (! Str::contains($key, 'password')) { $query->where($key, $value); } } return $query->first(); } /** Validate a user against the given credentials. * ...
App\Comment::class, ]);Or, you may specify a custom string to associate with each model:Relation::morphMap([ 'posts' => App\Post::class, 'likes' => App\Like::class, ]);You may register the morphMap in your AppServiceProvider or create a separate service provider if you wish.Many...
4.Laravel示例:Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.php,如query()方法中(new static)->newQuery(); F.Laravel中使用的其他新特性 1.trait 优先级:当前类的方法会覆盖trait中的方法,trait中的方法会覆盖基类的方法 多个trait通过逗号分隔,通过use关键字列出多个trait ...
Laravel 5 Model Factory Generator - Create a new model factory file using Artisan command. [03/27/2017] Laravel References - Provides a simple way to add unique references to models that can be resolved via route model binding without exposing primary keys. [10/09/2017] Laravel Searchy - ...