use Illuminate\Support\Arr; $array = ['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 100]; $filtered = Arr::except($array, ['price']); // ['name' => 'Desk']Arr::exists()The Arr::exists method checks that the given key exists in the provided array:...
$response->collect($key = null) : Illuminate\Support\Collection; $response->status() : int; $response->successful() : bool; $response->redirect(): bool; $response->failed() : bool; $response->clientError() : bool; $response->header($header) : string; $response->headers() : array;...
Easy, just change some properties and callsave(): $event= Event::find($eventId);$event->name='My updated title';$event->save(); Alternatively, you can use the update method: $event= Event::find($eventId);$event->update(['name'=>'My updated title']); ...
We are therefore setting out to try to change this for all Laravel user's who need an API client and have developed an API Client Library, which our API's are built on top of, to give a common set of consistent functionality.Updates & Issues...
The cache'srememberForever($key, function() { return 'something'; })function If you use the cache feature, you almost certainly are doing something like this: <?php$value=Cache::remember('users',Carbon::now()->addHour(),function(){returnDB::table('users')->get();}); ...
and specify the directive's name in theNamefield. ("<prefix>:<suffix>") To edit an existing directive, select it in the list and change the values in the fields below. To restore the original definition, click Configure Blade delimiters ...
php echo $key; ?。除此之外,还可以通过 with 方法添加独立 的数据片段到视图: $view = view(greeting)-with(name, Victoria); 在视图间共享数据 有时候我们需要在所有视图之间共享数据片段,这时候可以使用视图工厂的 share 方法, 通常,需要在服务提供者的 boot 方法中调用 share 方法,你可以将其添加 到App...
You can of course change that to suit your needs. ViewMaker also now features remove commands to make stepping backwards simple. For example: php artisan remove:foundation Widget When removing, we only need to supply the model name. This is really helpful, especially if you made a typo in...
Just like a normal model, the MongoDB model class will know which collection to use based on the model name. ForBook, the collectionbookswill be used. To change the collection, pass the$collectionproperty: use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model; ...
Internally, this middleware uses Laravel's cache system to implement rate limiting, and the job's class name is utilized as the cache "key". You may override this key by calling the by method when attaching the middleware to your job. This may be useful if you have multiple jobs ...