I will give you some examples of how to check value is exists or not in collection in laravel. you can easily add array in laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and laravel 11. Let's see example: Example 1: Laravel Collection Contains Example public functi...
Also, you should verify that your users (or equivalent) table contains a nullable, string remember_token column of 100 characters. This column will be used to store a token for users that select the "remember me" option when logging into your application. Again, the default users table ...
$browser->assertTitleContains($title);assertUrlIsAssert that the current URL (without the query string) matches the given string:$browser->assertUrlIs($url);assertPathBeginsWithAssert that the current URL path begins with given path:$browser->assertPathBeginsWith($path);...
personal data export, you can set theauthentication_requiredconfig value tofalse. Setting the value tofalseis less secure because anybody with a link to a zip file will be able to download it, but because the name of the zip file contains many random characters, it will be hard to guess ...
A general support package for the Laravel 5 framework. Laradic Support provides flexible and reusable components of code for commonly used functionality as well as the means to customize the default Laravel 5 folder structure. The package follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4 to ...
* @param string $direction * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */publicfunctionscopeSort(Builder $query,$column,$direction){if(!in_array($column,$this->sortable)){return$query;}return$query->orderBy($column,$direction);}} ...
Laravel create helper – Laravel Provides a default helper named asglobal.phpwhich contains global functions which are available globally.global.phpis located at theapp/start/global.phplocation. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how you can create custom helpers in Laravel. ...
contains、each、every、filter、first、map、partition、reject、sortBy、sortByDesc、 sum。每一个高阶消息传递都可以通过集合实例的动态属性进行访问,例如,使用 each 的高阶消息传递去调用集合的某个对象:$users = User::where('votes', '>', 500)->get(); $users->each->markAsVip();类似的,我们可以...
Note that each connection configuration example in the queue configuration file contains a queue attribute. This is the default queue that jobs will be dispatched to when they are sent to a given connection. In other words, if you dispatch a job without explicitly defining which queue it should...
This configuration contains environment detection, so the App can run on your local machine with your local database, as well as on fortrabbit. You can also use App secrets to store custom third party access credentials. Emoji support