For example, if you were using DB::listen in 5.1., you may update your code like so for 5.2.:DB::listen(function ($event) { dump($event->sql); dump($event->bindings); });You may check out each of the new event object classes to see their public properties....
在传统 HTTP 请求下,会生成一个重定向响应, 而对于 AJAX 请求则会发送 JSON 响应,这里的JSON响应必须得传递指定的JSON header头才行这里我修改了异常处理类,继承类覆盖了render...方法,直接全部返回json数据 class QualityController extends Controller { /** * 检测参数 * @param Request...>checkRequestParam(...
If a connection does not send any data to the server within 600 seconds, the connection will be forced to close. 'heartbeat_idle_time' => 600, 'heartbeat_check_interval' => 60, //... ], Proxy read timeout of Nginx # Nginx will close the connection if the proxied server does not...
a custom view will be displayed for all requests into your application. This makes it easy to "disable" your application while it is updating or when you are performing maintenance. A maintenance mode check is included in the default middleware stack for your application. If the application is...
When the user clicks the download link in the mail that gets sent after creating the export, a request will be sent to underlyingPersonalDataExportController. This controller will check if there is a user logged in and if the request personal data zip belongs to the user. If this is the ...
源文件:app\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode.php 作用:检测项目是否处于 维护模式。可通过 $except 数组属性设置在维护模式下仍能访问的网址。 (3)EncryptCookies 中间件 源文件:app\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php 作用:对 Cookie 进行加解密处理与验证。可通过 $except 数组属性设置不做加密处理的 cookie...
// config/laravels.php'swoole'=> [//...// 表示每60秒遍历一次,一个连接如果600秒内未向服务器发送任何数据,此连接将被强制关闭'heartbeat_idle_time'=>600,'heartbeat_check_interval'=>60,//...], Nginx读取代理服务器超时的配置 # 如果60秒内被代理的服务器没有响应数据给Nginx,那么Nginx会关闭当...
// config/laravels.php'swoole'=> [//...// 表示每60秒遍历一次,一个连接如果600秒内未向服务器发送任何数据,此连接将被强制关闭'heartbeat_idle_time'=>600,'heartbeat_check_interval'=>60,//...], Nginx读取代理服务器超时的配置 # 如果60秒内被代理的服务器没有响应数据给Nginx,那么Nginx会关闭当...
if (! is_null($route)) { return $route->bind($request); } // If no route was found we will now check if a matching route is specified by // another HTTP verb. If it is we will need to throw a MethodNotAllowed and // inform the user agent of which HTTP verb it should use...
// config/laravels.php'swoole'=> [//...// 表示每60秒遍历一次,一个连接如果600秒内未向服务器发送任何数据,此连接将被强制关闭'heartbeat_idle_time'=>600,'heartbeat_check_interval'=>60,//...], Nginx读取代理服务器超时的配置 # 如果60秒内被代理的服务器没有响应数据给Nginx,那么Nginx会关闭当...