1 Laravel return FALSE if field is NOT NULL (eloquent, whereNotNull) 2 If request is not null statement in Eloquent 5 Checking if column is null Laravel 0 With relation if not null 2 Laravel How to check if value exist and it is equal to 0 0 How can check variables is null...
if($user&& Hash::check($request->password,$user->password)) { return$user; } }); //... } Authentication Guard You may customize the authentication guard used by Fortify within your application'sfortifyconfiguration file. However, you should ensure that the configured guard is an implementatio...
So, if the scope you are passing to a feature is potentially null and you want the feature's value resolver to be invoked, you should account for that in your feature's definition. A null scope may occur if you check a feature within an Artisan command, queued job, or unauthenticated ...
Swoole的心跳配置 // config/laravels.php'swoole'=> [//...// 表示每60秒遍历一次,一个连接如果600秒内未向服务器发送任何数据,此连接将被强制关闭'heartbeat_idle_time'=>600,'heartbeat_check_interval'=>60,//...], Nginx读取代理服务器超时的配置 # 如果60秒内被代理的服务器没有响应数据给Nginx,...
if (! is_null($route)) { return $route->bind($request); } // If no route was found we will now check if a matching route is specified by // another HTTP verb. If it is we will need to throw a MethodNotAllowed and // inform the user agent of which HTTP verb it should use...
...); } } $this->unauthenticated($request, $guards); } 这个方法内部会调用auth对象的grard()方法并链式继续调用...check()方法在 TokenGuard 所使用的那个 GuardHelpers 特性对象中,它会再调用user()方法。...哈希 和上面的 Crypt 加密一样,Hash 门面使用的其实就是 password_hash()的加密方式,Laravel...
...//如果需要依赖,则输入要安装的依赖 Search for a package: php // 输入版本号 Enter the version constraint to require (or leave...$filename; return false; } //如果是图像文件 检测文件格式 if( in_array(strtolower...$this->checkSize($file['size'])) { $this->error = '上传文件大小...
对应laravel中的facade及其函数是Hash::make(),Hash::check(),其底层使用了 github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat这个package Redirect::intended() 对于保护的路由,我们有这样的需求:一旦用户登录并且有权访问这个路由的话,我们希望直接redirect到先前的这个路由,这里Redirect::intended()就是满足这个场景的。
'sockets' => [ [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 5292, 'type' => SWOOLE_SOCK_UDP, 'settings' => [ 'open_eof_check' => true, 'package_eof' => "\r\n", ], 'handler' => \App\Sockets\TestUdpSocket::class, ], ], Http 'sockets' => [ [ 'host' => '',...
If this package saves you time or if you're relying on it professionally, please consider sponsoring the maintenance and development and check out our latest premium package: Inertia Table. Keeping track of issues and pull requests takes time, but we're happy to help! Features Super easy ...