在Laravel 8 中,public_path() 函数的替代功能是 asset() 函数。asset() 函数用于生成指向公共目录(public)中资源的 URL。 asset() 函数的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 asset('path/to/asset') 其中,'path/to/asset' 是资源文件相对于公共目录的路径。该函数会返回一个完整的 URL,可以用于引用公共目录中的...
Public Path Binding Query Exception Constructor Rate Limiter Return Values TheRedirect::homeMethod TheBus::dispatchNowMethod TheregisterPoliciesMethod ULID Columns Upgrading to 10.0 from 9.x Estimated Upgrade Time: 10 Minutes We attempt to document every possible breaking change. Since some of these bre...
$visibility = Storage::getVisibility('file.jpg'); Storage::setVisibility('file.jpg', 'public');When interacting with uploaded files, you may use the storePublicly and storePubliclyAs methods to store the uploaded file with public visibility:$path = $request->file('avatar')->storePublicly('...
Modify config/laravels.php: worker_num=1, max_request=1000000, remember to change it back after test; Add routing /debug-memory-leak without route middleware to observe the memory changes of the Worker process; Route::get('/debug-memory-leak', function () { global $previous; $current = ...
Laravel application lifecycle begins in the /public directory instead. The default PHP 8.0 container for App Service uses Nginx, which starts in the application's root directory. To change the site root, you need to change the Nginx configuration file in the PHP 8.0 container (/etc/nginx/...
use Spatie\LaravelSettings\Migrations\SettingsMigration; class CreateGeneralSettings extends SettingsMigration { public function up(): void { } }We haven't added a down method, but this can be added if desired. In the up method, you can change the settings data in the repository when ...
By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose ...
Redirect path customization When a user successfully login the default auth system redirects the user to /home path. If we want to change the path we have to changepublic const HOME = '/home';from theRouteServiceProvider public const HOME = '/dashboard';Copy ...
示例2: doChangeLocale ▲点赞 5▼ publicfunctiondoChangeLocale(){ $locale = Input::get('locale'); LaravelLocalization::setLocale($locale); App::setLocale($locale); Cookie::queue('locale', $locale);returnResponse::json(array('status'=>true,'link'=> geturl(Input::get('url'))); }...