在生产环境启动上面创建的 laravel queue 进程报错: Cannot declare class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request, because the name is already in use in /www/wwwroot/cstation/bootstrap/cache/compiled.php on line 3294 对照之前安装的环境,发现该生产环境之后又安装了一个 php8.0,通过原来的 php 版本 7.3 ...
ziyouren3 声望
Cannot declare class App\Console\Kernel, because the name is already in use at app/app/Console/Kernel.php:0 1▕ <?php 2▕ 3▕ namespace App\Console; 4▕ 5▕ use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule; 6▕ use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel; 7▕ 8▕ class Kernel ex...
Cannot declare class Error, because the name is already in use in D:\xampp\htdocs\practice\mvc\controllers\error.php on line 3 can you tell me how can I solve it? Solution: PHP has predefined classes, and one of them is the error class. Thus, it is not possible to...
CreatePersonalAccessTokensTable 这个类名已经被使用了,新创建的迁移文件应换其他的名称。 2年前 评论 举报 kis龍 Laravel 9.x 译者 497 声望 Cannot declare class CreatePersonalAccessTokensTable, because the name is already in use 不能声明类 CreatePersonalAccessTokensTable, 因为这个名字已经存在 2年前...
Cannot declare class Phpcmf\Common, because the name is already in use类名Phpcmf\Common重复,全文搜索下哪个地方被重复命名了\dayrui\Fcms\Core\Phpcmf.php(0) 求指教回帖 #1楼 迅睿框架创始人 2023-09-27 17:20:47 Google Pixel 手机 0 程序的故障问题要找售后解决 #2楼 未别离 2023-09-27...
<livewire:table :config="App\Tables\UsersTable::class" :configParams="['categoryId' => 1]"/>You should then declare the passed attributes as public attributes your table configuration.namespace App\Tables; use App\Models\User; use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table; use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\...
Declare Facade in Controller headers: use Carbon\Carbon; use Seblhaire\DateRangePickerHelper\DateRangePickerHelper; In a Controller function initialize object and pass it to the view. You can init several DateRangePickers in a view, but make sure that calendar id is unique. ...
lumen event 与 php7 扩展 event 冲突 系统报错日志 [2020-03-17 15:27:37] lumen.ERROR: ErrorException: Cannot declare...class Event, because the name is already in use in /home/web/vendor/laravel/lumen-framework/src/Application.php...', 653, Array) #1 /home/web/vendor/laravel/lumen-fra...