理解不了call()...暂记下来 vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\BoundMethod.php 14151617
这是一个用户注册的API,新用户通过访问它来注册账号,之后才能有权限进行其他的操作,享受其它的APP服务。那么我们在访问的时候,就应当把正确的信息输入进去,因为客户端是APP,所以要输入的字段应该是这些——(手机号)phone、(密码)password。 那么在一切准备就绪以后,当服务器处理完操作以后,我们又该获得什么callback呢...
api.php的所有路由都是无状态的,并且没有使用Session 和 CSRF 保护的特性保护,所以里面定义的路由更适合为app提供接口,laravel默认当用户的请求路由前缀为api时,laravel自动去调用api.php中所定义的路由或路由组。这是因为,在laravel的路由服务提供者中配置了路由前缀为api,下图为路由服务提供者所在目录路径 下图为无...
__call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. from Macroable void __construct(Filesystem $files) Create a new controller creator command instance. from GeneratorCommand void configureUsingFluentDefinition() Configure the console command using a fluent definitio...
from InteractsWithInput $this|mixed whenHas(string $key, callable $callback, callable $default = null) Apply the callback if the request contains the given input item key. from InteractsWithInput bool filled(string|array $key) Determine if the request contains a non-empty value for an ...
if I try a Api call to a function of a controller where I have to perform an Eloquent query (e.g.: Card::find(1)) it responds with a 502 Bad Gateway error (with Nginx log "upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, client:, server...
接着我会主要关注那些不校验权限的Controller(就是没有admin和auth中间件的Controller)。我关注到了app/Http/Controllers/Api/ComponentController.php的getComponents方法: 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * Get all components. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse ...
控制器方面 app/Http/Controllers/ 我们修改一下 HomeController.php 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 这里这个构造函数调用了 中间件auth 对我们进行权限认证 * 即要求我们必须登陆才可以访问该控制器的其他方法 * 有两种解决方法,一直是在 $this->middleware('auth')->except('你要排除权限认证的方法'),比如 ...
However, I'm trying to call the same API through AJAX datatable and I pass the exact same bearer token but it keeps showing 401 Unauthoriszed error in Chrome console.Can someone explain why the token is not passed to the api call and how to make it pass?
* The controller namespace for the application. */protected$namespace;/** * Bootstrap any application services. 引导启动服务 */publicfunctionboot(){$this->setRootControllerNamespace();// 如果已缓存路由,从缓存文件中载入路由if($this->app->routesAreCached()){$this->loadCachedRoutes();}else{...