Packages are the primary way of adding functionality to Laravel. Packages might be anything from a great way to work with dates likeCarbonor a package that allows you to associate files with Eloquent models like Spatie'sLaravel Media Library. ...
Packages might be anything from a great way to work with dates like Carbon or a package that allows you to associate files with Eloquent models like Spatie's Laravel Media Library.There are different types of packages. Some packages are stand-alone, meaning they work with any PHP framework. ...
Now, you can build TCP/UDP applications easily on top of Laravel.Create Socket handler class, and extend Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Socket\{TcpSocket|UdpSocket|Http|WebSocket}. namespace App\Sockets; use Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Socket\TcpSocket; use Swoole\Server; class TestTcpSocket extends Tcp...
Laravel 2-Step verification is a package to add 2-Step user authentication to any Laravel project easily. It is configurable and customizable. It uses notifications to send the user an email with a 4-digit verification code. Laravel 2-Step Authenticatio
*/.addEntry('app','./resources/js/app.js')// will require an extra script tag for runtime.js// but, you probably want this, unless you're building a single-page app.enableSingleRuntimeChunk().cleanupOutputBeforeBuild().enableSourceMaps(!Encore.isProduction())// enables hashed filename...
* in the build process, we'll make an announcement. */Mix.dispatch('init',Mix);/** * Now that we know which build tasks are required by the * user, we can dynamically create a configuration object * for Webpack. And that's all there is to it. Simple!
Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255 我已经尝试删除供应商文件夹并再次安装,也使用 composer dump autoload,并尝试清除 laravel 缓存,但总是得到相同的错误。慕的地10843 浏览268回答2 2...
Build npm run prod 4年前 resources Add computed actionUrl 替换来自表格中的 seletionKey 4年前 routes 建议后台可以配置或者设置单独绑定域名,这样管理后台可以更安全 #10 5年前 src 修复上传图片验证问题 4年前 .babelrc 修复WangEditor 问题 #29
Now that your database is configured, let’s build the API. Your Laravel API will be quite simple, it will contain just one entity (aPlayer). Let’s create a migration and a database model for it: php artisan make:model Player-mModel created successfully. ...
We now have the necessary power to build RESTful applications and APIs with ease. 9.Blade Templating While, yes, PHP is by nature a templating language, it hasn't evolved to become an overly good one. That's okay, though; Laravel offers its Blade engine to fill the gap. Simply name yo...