Today, I am going to share with you How to create admin panel in Laravel 5 Application. In this tutorial we will create quick simple back-end admin panel using voyager package. We always require to create admin area for every website. Admin Panel keep dynamic our website. Admin Panel thr...
“I use Nova on almost every Laravel app I build. We've used it to power the Lemon Squeezy back office since the beginning. It's by far the easiest and most powerful way to build an admin backend for your app.” Gilbert Pellegrom ...
“Whether I have to scaffold a new project for a client or build a completely new solution, Backpack saves me a ton of time. If you are building any Laravel project that requires an admin panel, you should seriously consider Backpack.” ...
执行之后,项目下生成一个composer.json文件: {"name":"angkee/laradmin","description":"Laradmin is a laravel package for can be generated fast backend management panel","license":"MIT","authors": [ {"name":"angkee","email":""} ],"require": {} } 2. 创建扩展包基本目录...
LaraAdmin is a Open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS which can be used as Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel
Want to make your Laravel Backpack admin panel more secure with a unique login experience for your admins? I'll show you how to add Pas... Kidd Tang Published on 17 November 2024 in Tutorials Share: Want to make your Laravel Backpack admin panel more secure with a unique login...
Admin An easy to implement, lightweight yet complete Laravel 5.5+ admin panel/backend and media/filemanager. Basically it's a web-based content editor for your Laravel models. It's very easy to integrate into your existing Laravel application. nickdekruijk/admin is the next evolution of nick...
Admiko is Laravel Admin Panel and CRUD generator that simplifies admin panel development and saves you time and money. Try it now and see the difference.
Shameless plug: You can also easily build anadmin panelwith Retool. We give you a drag-and-drop interface, integration with a variety of backend services,pre-built UI components, single sign-on support, and a lot more. If you want to make it really easy, start from one of our manytemp...
Route::get('/',function(){app('admin')->printRunning();}); 此时,我们打开浏览器访问此项目,显示running,恭喜你,成功了! 扩展包发布 扩展包开发、测试完成之后,这个时候就可以发布到Packagist。 1. 提交代码到 GitHub 首先,需要把扩展包的代码提交到 GitHub 上,记录下 GitHub 版本库的地址,注意是HTTPS。