程序员 @ aaaa
在 Web 开发和网络爬虫等领域,经常需要获取和处理 URL(统一资源定位符)。Go 语言提供了丰富的标准库...
1. asset方法用于引入public目录下的css、js、images等静态文件。例如link标签: 在解析后,会生成如下link链接: 2.url方法用于生成一个url地址,指向路由。例如A标签: About 在解析后,会生成如下的link链接: About 编辑于 2017-01-13 11:01 PHP Laravel 赞同1添加评论 分享...
laravel中 url() route() URL::asset() Route::get('$path',' 控制器@方法'); function url($path = null, $parameters = [], $secure = null) $path为路径,$parameters为混合型数据 Route::get(' $path ',' 控制器@方法')->name(' name '); function route($name, $parameters = [], $a...
APP_URL_HTTPS=https APP_URL=https://www.yd.com/weixintest/ URL::to URL::asset 相关方法就不会有问题 最后在不修改的nginx的反向代理,只需要做简单的配置文件修改就可以解决问题,还不影响线上和开发,是个相对于优雅的解决方案 QQ一群247823727
> 生成URL 1、url()或者secure_url() 1. 2、asset()或者secure_asset() 1. 3、action() 1. 4、route() 1. > 常用路径 1、base_path() 1. 返回项目根目录的绝对路径 2、app_path() 1. 返回项目app目录下的绝对路径 3、storage_path() ...
ASSET_URL=https://cdn.example.comAfter configuring the asset URL, all re-written URLs to your assets will be prefixed with the configured value:https://cdn.example.com/build/assets/app.9dce8d17.jsRemember that absolute URLs are not re-written by Vite, so they will not be prefixed....
$url = action('UserController@profile', ['id' => 1]);asset()Generate a URL for an asset using the current scheme of the request (HTTP or HTTPS):$url = asset('img/photo.jpg');secure_asset()Generate a URL for an asset using HTTPS:...
Laravel envasset_url is a helper function in Laravel that provides a way to add a version number to the assets URL based on the version of the application. It is an extension of the asset() helper function that is commonly used to link CSS, JavaScript, and other files in Laravel. Usage...
> @ production /github/workspace/.vapor/build/app > cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --no-progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js ASSET URL IS: DONE Compiled successfully in 26754ms11:23:07 PM This is my...