Laravel Version: 9.25.1 PHP Version: 8.1.9 Database Driver & Version: not relevant Description: I'm trying to reference an image (resources/images/auth_splash.jpg) from a blade template following the documentation section, but I keep get...
2,如果是linux系统,可能会有权限问题,导致访问/api/documentation的时候获取不到静态文件,这时候将vendor/swagger-api/swagger-ui/dist/目录的所有文件复制到public/docs/asset目录即可,需要手动创建docs/assset,如下: mkdir -p public/docs/asset cp -r vendor/swagger-api/swagger-ui/dist/* public/docs/assset/...
However, the Laravel framework itself does not. The reason for this is because semantic versioning is a "reductionist" way of determining if two pieces of code are compatible. Even when using semantic versioning, you still must install the upgraded package and run your automated test suite to ...
plugins: [ laravel({ input: [ 'resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js', ], refresh: true }), vue({ template: { transformAssetUrls: { base: null, includeAbsolute: false
The data_get function also accepts a default value, which will be returned if the specified key is not found:$discount = data_get($data, '', 0); // 0The function also accepts wildcards using asterisks, which may target any key of the array or object:...
First, if you reference assets with an absolute path, Vite will not include the asset in the build; therefore, you should ensure that the asset is available in your public directory.When referencing relative asset paths, you should remember that the paths are relative to the file where they ...
这是我的show方法在我的PostController和当我的dd($slug),我从数据库得到我的鼻涕虫,但当我试图搜索与该弹格相关的帖子,我得到一个404 | Not Found。我已经在我的模型中重写了我的routeKeyName,但是它似乎仍然在使用id列来获取,因为当我在这一行中用硬编码的id 2替换$slug时,$post = Post::findOrFail...
I had been dealing with this issue as well and, unfortunately, the suggested fix in this thread did not work for me. I finally found a quick and easy fix (at least for me on WSL2): In the file hot located in the public folder, replace with http://localhost:...
console.error('CSRF token not found:'); } 因此你还需要打开resourse/views/welcome.blade.php,修改为这样 <!DOCTYPE html> Laravel window.Laravel = <?php
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