to: /home/vagrant/Code/AJAX_CRUD/public 修改C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts,增加一条记录: 重启homestead虚拟机: homestead reload --provision 访问项目 浏览器访问,应该能见到如下页面: 引入Bootstrap、JQuery、Toastr 刚创建的项目什么都没有,在resources/welcome.blade....
to: /home/vagrant/Code/AJAX_CRUD/public 修改C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts,增加一条记录: 重启homestead虚拟机: homestead reload --provision 访问项目 浏览器访问,应该能见到如下页面:
techbola/ajax-laravel-crud-appmaster 21 Branches 0 Tags Code Folders and filesLatest commit techbola simple ajax and laravel crud operations 6d025d6· History2 Commits .idea app bootstrap config database public resources routes ...
修改homestead 的配置文件: ~/.homestead/Homestead.yaml ,增加如下内容: sites: - map: to: /home/vagrant/Code/AJAX_CRUD/public 修改C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ,增加一条记录: 重启homestead 虚拟机: homestead reload--provision访问项目 浏览器访问 ...
interfaces simple, without leaving the comfort of Laravel. if you are using livewire with laravel then you don't worry about writing jquery ajax code, livewire will help to write very simple way jquery ajax code using php. without page refresh laravel validation will works, form will submit ...
Laravel使用jquery ajax的简单crud 、、、 我正在尝试使用jquery ajax从表中删除一行。经过几次尝试,我想不出为什么我的代码(删除部分)不能工作,因为我是新的ajax和javascript。使用ajax从服务器加载数据工作正常,并且脚本没有控制台错误。当我按下delete时,我在网络选项卡上什么也看不到。下面是我的代码:Route::del...
$this->crud->addFields([ [ 'name' => 'name', 'label' => 'Grantable Award Level Name', 'type' => 'text', ], [ 'name' => 'criteria', 'type' => 'relationship', 'ajax' => true, 'inline_create' => [ 'include_main_form_fields' => ['id'] ], 'data_source' => backpack...
Superior user experience can be achieved by creating a Vuesingle-page application(SPA) with Laravel. CRUD operations can then be done asynchronously without a page refresh However, this configuration will require special attention to ensure the state of the data is consistent in both the front end...
前面我们说了laravel用crud修改产品items-新建resource controller和routing,现在我们要把产品items罗列出来,...
This structure allows developers to work on just the API or just the frontend without needing access to the source code of the other part of the system (this is still possible to achieve if the projects are integrated, but it’s a bit of a headache to set up) making it an ideal archi...