* add array values to a collection using union */ public function union() { $coolPeople = collect([ 1 => 'John', 2 => 'James', 3 => 'Jack' ]); $allCoolPeople = $coolPeople->union([ 4 => 'Sarah', 1 => 'Susan', 5 =>'Seyi' ]); $allCoolPeople->all(); /* [ 1 =...
$collection = collect(); // 创建一个空集合 $data = ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 30]; $collection->add($data); // 将$data添加到集合中 // 可以通过toArray方法将集合转换为数组 $result = $collection->toArray(); print_r($result); ...
The Illuminate\Support\Collection class provides a fluent, convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data. For example, check out the following code. We'll use the collect helper to create a new collection instance from the array, run the strtoupper function on each element, and then ...
/** * add array values to a collection using union */ public function union() { $coolPeople = collect([ 1 => 'John', 2 => 'James', 3 => 'Jack' ]); $allCoolPeople = $coolPeople->union([ 4 => 'Sarah', 1 => 'Susan'...
$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]); $chunks = $collection->chunk(4); $chunks->toArray(); // [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]This method is especially useful in views when working with a grid system such as Bootstrap. Imagine you have a collection of Eloquent ...
ArrayAccess- 用于操作数组对象的接口。 IteratorAggregate- 用于创建外部迭代器的接口。 JsonSerializable 你可以在这里查看其余已实现的接口。 创建一个新的集合 一个集合可以使用collect()帮助函数基于一个数组被创建 或者直接通过Illuminate\Support\Collection类实例化。
Options::forEnum(Hobbit::class)->toArray(); Which will return the following array: [ ['label' => 'Frodo', 'value' => 'frodo'], ['label' => 'Sam', 'value' => 'sam'], ['label' => 'Merry', 'value' => 'merry'], ['label' => 'Pippin', 'value' => 'pippin'], ] Su...
diffAssoc 方法根据其键和值将集合与另一个集合或普通 PHP array 进行比较。 此方法将返回给定集合中不存在的原始集合中的键/值对:$collection = collect([ 'color' => 'orange', 'type' => 'fruit', 'remain' => 6, ]); $diff = $collection...
Results 实现 Arrayable 接口, 方法 getArray 换成 toArray 4.1.x 支持Scout:9.* 4.0.x raw 方法返回 Results 对象 拓展Builder 重写search 方法,引入XunSearchTrait时不必引入Searchable 增加Client 类,包装 XS 对象。当 Client 被解构时解构 XS 对象
参考PHPDoc文档,需梯子:https://dev.to/suckup_de/modern-phpdoc-annotations-11d4 /** *@paramarray<int|string,Order> *@paramarray<int|string,mixed> 关联数组 *@paramarray<int,array<int,string>> *@paramarray<int,string[]> 二维数组 *@paramarray{output:string,debug:string} 对象数组 ...