可以通过命令:php artisan make:controller 控制器名称来创建控制器,也可以直接手动创建。现在让我们用命令来创建,因为如果手工创建的话,还需要自己添加继承。打开目录app\Http\Controllers,可以看到UserController已经创建,Laravel9控制器的基本构造 命名空间:namespace App\Http\Controllers;引入命名空间:use Illuminat...
创建一个资源控制器 php artisan make:controller --resource UsersController 指定模型,创建资源控制器 php artisan make:controller --model=user UsersController 创建一个API控制器 php artisan make:controller --api UsersController 创建控制器后,同时将创建PHPUnit测试文件,测试文件目录:tests\Feature\Http\Controlle...
To get started, we can use the make:controller Artisan command's --resource option to quickly create a controller to handle these actions:php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resourceThis command will generate a controller at app/Http/Controllers/PhotoController.php. The controller will ...
我们可以手动先在laravel/app/Http/Controllers目录下,创建admin目录2:是用脚手架命令创建用户控制器UserController文件# php artisan make:controller admin/UserController请注意!!我们在UserController文件名前,加入了admin/目录信息。意思是在该目录下创建。创建完成后的,显示。我们可以看到。在laravel/app/Http/...
laravel controller:make php artisan make:controller DIR/XXXController
We will access Laravel's authentication services via the Auth facade, so we'll need to make sure to import the Auth facade at the top of the class. Next, let's check out the attempt method. The attempt method is normally used to handle authentication attempts from your application's "...
1.php artisan make:controller Admin/StoreController--resource2.php artisan make:controller Home/IndexController--resource 再在新建的控制器中写点内容加以区分 这种多级目录是不需要指明目录的只需要指明相对于app/Http/Controllers 目录的 namespace 即可 ...
class Test { public static $array = []; public static $string = ''; } // Controller public function test(Request $req) { // Out of Memory Test::$array[] = $req->input('param1'); Test::$string .= $req->input('param2'); } Memory leak detection method Modify config/laravels...
To make working with encrypted HLS even better, we've added a DynamicHLSPlaylist class that modifies playlists on-the-fly and specifically for your application. This way, you can add your authentication and authorization logic. As we're using a plain Laravel controller, you can use features li...