,document.getElementById('app')); //Master.js import React, {Component} from 'react'; class Master extends Component { render(){ return ( Master Component123 ) } } export default Master; 5-3.bootstrap.js //添加.这里主要是为了免得到时候用到路由等等和后端交互的操作时候,发生没有csrf-token...
如果你想使用Vue.js或React,你可以指定vue、react。创建认证 php artisan ui bootstrap --auth The [Controller.php] file already exists. Do you want to replace it? (yes/no) [no] ❯ INFO Authentication scaffolding generated successfully. INFO Vue scaffolding installed successfully. WARN Please run ...
Regardless of whether you choose to develop your frontend using Blade and Livewire or Vue / React and Inertia, you will likely need to bundle your application's CSS into production ready assets. Of course, if you choose to build your application's frontend with Vue or React, you will also...
On my local server, using npm run dev, I can see the react routes without a problem. But on my production server, when I want to access the routes, this problem appears. enter image description hereMy vite.config.jsexport default defineConfig({ plugins: [ laravel({ input...
My very first website was built with HTML, CSS, & PHP all in a single index.php file (good old times). I now produce video content on things that I know and have learned over the years. Currently, my main stack consists of PHP, Laravel, GraphQL, React JS (Next.js) & Tailwind ...
with Laravel and uploaded it into the Linux sharing host and when I want to use API with my React SPA. It works perfectly but this time I uploaded my API Laravel source to a Centos server in a folder of my domain and when I want to connect to the API with my React SPA, Chrome ...
This is an opinionated Laravel 10 install using React with Server-side Rendering (SSR). Setup git clone git@github.com:runthis/laravel-inertia-react-ssr.git my-app bash ./bin/init.sh Accessing the site http://localhost/ Accessing the starter react page http://localhost/test Using SSR sail...
@vite('resources/js/app.jsx')The @viteReactRefresh directive must be called before the @vite directive.Laravel's starter kits already include the proper Laravel, React, and Vite configuration. Check out Laravel Breeze for the fastest way to get started with Laravel, React, and Vite.Inertia...
在React Native中结合使用createBottomTabNavigator和createStackNavigator 在SQL中结合使用PIVOT和total summation 在变更事件中结合使用promises和ajax 在气流数据采集中结合使用DockerOperator和CeleryExecutor 在Rails中结合使用group by和find_in_batches NestJS -在微服务中结合使用RabbitMQ和HTTP ...
当您准备部署生产环境并运行npm run production时,它将自动处理导入,最小化,优化以及整个工作流程。 Mix 不仅关心传统的 JS和 CSS 文件,而且还关心您在应用程序工作流程中可能使用的 Vue 和 React 组件。 感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“如何优化PHP和Laravel以提高Web应用的性能”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对...