Vite is configured via a vite.config.js file in the root of your project. You are free to customize this file based on your needs, and you may also install any other plugins your application requires, such as @vitejs/plugin-vue or @vitejs/plugin-react....
请问laravel 9 怎么通过 Vite 使用 React 浏览器控制台提示: GEThttp:// net::ERR_ABORTED404(Not Found)Uncaught ReferenceError:React is not defined at abc.jsx:1:28 文件resources/views/layout.blade.php: @viteReactRefresh @vite('resources/js/abc.jsx') 文件resources/js...
创建Laravel项目 使用 Composer 命令安装 Laravel 10。 composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel_auth 安装和配置 Lravel UI composer require laravel/ui 如果选择了bootstrap 需要执行php artisan ui命令来创建用于认证的脚手架(如认证页面、登录
at renderChildrenArray (C:\Users\user\proj\node_modules\react-dom\cjs\react-dom-server-legacy.node.development.js:6226:7) vite.config.js import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin'; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'; export default defineConfig({...
npm create vite@latest my-vue-app -- --template vue # yarn安装 yarn create vite my-vue-app --template vue --template vue是指定创建vue框架的模版,我们这个项目使用的是react + ts的技术栈,因此我们执行下面这条命令 npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react-ts ...
If you're new to modern PHP development, Laracasts is a no-brainer. When I landed my first API project, Laracasts quickly gave me the tools I needed to understand Laravel and build a solid app. There's nothing else like it! G. M. Henderson ...
另一方面, Inertia.js, 使得开发者能够使用经典的服务器端路由和控制器来构建现代的单页Vue, React和Svelte应用程序。Inertia是为Laravel、Ruby on Rails和Django开发者设计的,允许他们在不改变创建控制器、从数据库获取数据和渲染视图的编码技术的情况下构建应用程序。
Laravel Vite Vite Integration for Laravel Visit Site Taylor Otwell's opinions on PHP, React, Laravel and Lamborghini Memes➡️ Listen to episode Related Projects #DevTools#Plugins Created with Sketch.2.635 BellowsIntelligent CLI for your Laravel Apps ...
方法是添加@vite([“资源/js/应用程序. jsx ',”资源/css/应用程序. css'])而不是@vite(['...