Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as: ...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP model-view-controller web framework that empowers developers to carry out common tasks in web and app development projects with ease. New Relic Laravel quickstart features The New Relic Laravel monitoring quickstart has the following features: ...
该项目统计了目前packagist下载量最高的 50 个Laravel扩展包。并把更新脚本放到了github。 项目地址 更新 我们将每个月更新一次脚本,也方便我们及时的查看目前最流行的的laravel package。 你可以clone该项目,运行根目录下的test.php来同步更新。还可以自定义排序规则、...
Repository – maatwebsite/excel This package comes into handy when you want to deal with Excel or CSV files in your Laravel projects. It provides great features when it comes to import or export Excel or CSV files from your project you can also directory ... laravel中计划设计编码一个小功能的流程 1.规划设计routes: /tasks ; /alice/tasks Route::get('/tasks','TasksController@index'); 2.创建上述controller php artisan make:controller TasksController ...
Instead of installing Homestead globally and sharing the same Homestead virtual machine across all of your projects, you may instead configure a Homestead instance for each project you manage. Installing Homestead per project may be beneficial if you wish to ship a Vagrantfile with your project, ...
Consider cloning the repository into a Homestead folder within your "home" directory, as the Homestead box will serve as the host to all of your Laravel projects:git clone ~/Homestead You should check out a tagged version of Homestead since the master...
Status code: (null). Module source URI is not allowed in this document: “”. I've compared my own project's config to one of the Laravel Starter Kits that uses Inertia + Vue as well, but I'm still having no luck....
创建一个projects目录,用于存放项目代码: $mkdirprojects 用VS Code 打开家目录,VS Code 需要被加入到 Windows 的系统环境变量中: $ code. 这里要注意,由于 WSL2 跨 OS 的文件性能很差,会导致项目运行速度很慢,所以我们的项目目录是存放在 Ubuntu 子系统中的家目录, 而不是 windows10 的家目录。后面调用code...