商品名称:LAPULIAO周年庆礼品高端定制LOGO企业公司开业实用高档送客户伴手礼回礼 2件套(杯+伞) 商品编号:10085745168237 店铺: LAPULIAO捷鑫专卖店 功能:LED屏显 适用人群:儿童,男士,女士,学生 杯身主体材质:304不锈钢 杯盖样式:旋盖 内胆材质:304不锈钢 杯身样式:直身杯 适用场景:通用 国产/进口:国产 商品介绍...
Introducing the Lapulapu Logo, a symbol of strength and bravery inspired by the legendary Philippine hero, Lapulapu. This captivating logo showcases a fiercewarrior, adorned with a traditional bandana and striking accessories like earrings and a necklace. The warrior's determined expression reflects ...