Craigslist offers a “free” category under its for sale listings, where people canpost itemsthey want to give away. Finding a free laptop or computer on Craigslist will be a game of chance, so move quickly on any listings you see. Just look out for potential scams, provide minimal persona...
that doesn’t mean you can’t still buy them. You can always find used and refurbished laptops easily oneBay, forums like NotebookReview,Reddit,Amazon(you can filter results for “Used”), and your localCraigslist. You may also have local refurbishers near you, so be sure to search...
SECOND-HAND ITEMS, INCLUDING SALES FROM WEBSITES SUCH AS EBAY AND CRAIGSLIST, ARE NOT COVERED BY SPECK’S WARRANTY. How to make a warranty claim Warranty claims must be made directly to Speck. View our FAQ page for information on how to submit your warranty claim. For customer assistance ...
Both have pros and cons, so make sure you do the best for your personality, cash expectation, and personal style. Sell Directly Person-to-Person When we think of where to sell a laptop, this is likely what comes to mind. You’re thinking of places like Craigslist, eBay, etc. These ...