laporan keuangan konsolidasian PT Indonesia Tbk dan entitas anak telah disusun dan disajikan sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia; 3. a. semua informasi dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian PT Indonesia Tbk dan entitas anak telah dimuat secara lengkap dan benar; b. laporan ...
Penawaran Umum Perdana (IPO) Saham PT UBC Medical Indonesia Tbk (LABS) Berita Laporan Keuangan PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN) Q3 2024: Strategi Efektif dan Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan BSDE Catat Pertumbuhan Laba 52,73% di Kuartal III 2024, Melebihi Pencapaian 2023 ...
ANALISIS RASIO KEUANGAN UNTUK MENILAI KINERJA KEUANGAN PADA PT. INDOFOOD SUKSES MAKMUR, TBK. DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA (BEI) PERIODE 2015-2022 Financial statements are generally the result of an accounting process that can be used as a tool to communicate company financial data or company activiti...
Then simultaneously there is the influence of the financial target variables, change of directors, external audit quality, change of auditors, frequency of number of CEOs, and political relations on fraudulent financial reporting.Loen, M.Jurnal Akunida...
PENGARUH LEVERAGE, TEKANAN EKSTERNAL, DAN STABILITAS KEUANGAN TERHADAP KECURANGAN LAPORAN KEUANGANdoi:10.59188/jcs.v2i1.182Financial Statement Fraud is intentional disclosure with the intention of deceiving users of financial statements. This study aims to analyze the effect of leverage, ...
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KUALITAS PENYAJIAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN DAERAHdoi:10.58344/locus.v2i4.1003A research or commonly referred to as a scientific article, in previous research or relevant research is something that is very important, serves to support the theory and phenomeno...
ETERMINAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI, SOSIALISASI, DAN TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN TERHADAP PENYAJIAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN UMKMdoi:10.30997/jakd.v9i2.10160Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are people's businesses that stand alone and are small scale and managed by a group of people, indi...
PENGARUH FRAUD DIAMOND DALAM MENDETEKSI TERJADINYA KECURANGAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN STUDI EMPIRIS PADA PERUSAHAAN BUMN YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIAdoi:10.59188/jcs.v2i1.193Recently, fraudulent financial statements have occurred in many companies, both private and government companies, fro...
PENGARUH PENERAPAN GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN KOMPETENSI SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA TERHADAP KUALITAS INFORMASI LAPORAN KEUANGANdoi:10.59188/jcs.v2i1.205Companies need quality financial reports to maintain an efficient economy and grow in a sustainable manner, efforts to maintain and produce qua...