LAPORAN KASUS: KESEMBUHAN ENTERITIS HEMORAGIKA PADA ANAK ANJING KACANG YANG TERINFEKSI CANINE PARVOVIRUSCanine parvovirus (CPV) is an infectious disease with clinical signs of bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic enteritis) which is cause of death in infected dogs. A five-month-old female ...
Dental treatment of a child with &60;em&62;Maple Syrup Urine Disease &60;/em&62;accompanied by mental retardation must be done continuously to avoid infection that can result in the death of the patients.TriFajariIsmuSuharsonoSuweloingentaconnectJournal of Dentistry Indonesia...
PERAWATAN MUCOCELE PADA ANAK DENGAN TEHNIK MICRO MARSUPIALIZATION (Laporan Kasus)Mucocele resprented as a lesion that usually happened as an effet of accumulation and extravasation of secret minor salivary gland dof cheek and lip, which gave clinical feature like a bubble of mucosa. This lesion ...
Laporan Kasus: Keberhasilan Penanganan Transmissible Venereal Tumor pada Anjing Kacang Betina dengan Eksisi dan Kemoterapidoi:10.19087/jveteriner.2023.24.3.385Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a common tumor in dogs. The tumor was transmitted through mating, licking,...
Laporan Kasus Manajemen Kegawatdaruratan Trauma Jaringan Lunak Wajah Pada Anak Penderita TalasemiaFacial soft tissue trauma is a common case in the emergency department. Handling this case requires special attention because the face is a prominent part and a marker of i...
EXPOSURE DAN PENGGUNAAN ALAT ORTODONTI CEKAT PADA KASUS IMPAKSI KANINUS ATAS PADA ANAK (LAPORAN KASUS)Impaction of the permanent maxillary canine is a relative common problem in orthodontic and pedodontic practice. The diagnostic of canin impaction depends upon thorough understanding of clinical and ...
The results showed that the administration of metronidazole as therapy for amoebiasis in a 13-month-old child who had white liquid diarrhea with mucus without blood, was effective in killing Entamoeba histolytica parasites. This conclusion suggests that metronidazole i...