(Instruments) a lap-held steel-strung guitar with a wood or metal body, tuned to an open chord and played with a slide. CompareDobro,pedal steel guitar Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006,...
Top-selling in Steel Guitar First 50 Songs You Should Play o... $19.99 Don Helms - Your Cheatin' Heart ... $14.99 Pedal Steel Guitar Chord Chart E... $6.99 Pedal Steel Guitar Songbook $19.99 Don Helms - Your Cheatin' Heart ... ...
When people first take up lap steel, there’s a tendency to make a lot of the inherent sliding capability of the instrument. I notice that in your playing, you’re very controlled about when you hit a note or chord or slide in and out of it. ...
but I don’t think so. You train your rhythm and you focus on the harmonic structure of the song. Focus on that really helped my arrangements, it is super helpful to know what is going on when you play on the steel, what chordtones you are ...