**1. 分析题干:** 题干要求将“Her favourite Chinese food is Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles.”改写成同义句。 **2. 分析句子结构:** 原句是一个简单句,主语是“Her favourite Chinese food”,谓语是“is”,宾语是“Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles”。 **3. 寻找同义表达:** “favourite” 可以用 “likes...
你认为,全球传播语境中的“兰州拉面”这一表述的最佳翻译可以是:___? Lanzhou pulled noodles;Lanzhou-styled noodles;Lanzhou (hand-)pulled noodles;;Lanzhou dumplings; 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 ;Lanzhou (hand-)pulled noodles 反馈 收藏
兰州拉面(Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles) 2009-12-16 21:17:06 comes from the imperial court, which is sweet and sour (as long as you don't spend money and drink dichlorvos) (I) material selection; The production of materials Hand-Pulled Noodle is extremely important, according to the Gansu ...
【舌尖上的英语词汇】酸菜鱼,Lanzhouhand-pullednoodles/豆腐脑。不在乎谁的过去怎样、bakedlampchop...吃货们[哆啦A梦花心][炸鸡腿][小V生气] http://t.cn/E2EGMju
Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles 兰州拉面相关短语 Enkaswing (荷兰) 恩卡斯温聚氨基甲酸酯弹性纤维 Dien (荷兰) 迪恩聚丁二烯纤维 factor (苏格兰) 土地经管人 astoli canvas (爱尔兰) 车篷防水帆布 gabarage (爱尔兰) 打包用粗布 ganga (斯里兰卡) 大麻 Meat Producers Board (新西兰) 肉类生产商管理局 Lewisian (...
环境:5.0 服务:5.0 Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles is my favorite food. Well, I pulled out my teeth these two days and just eat some ramen noodles. Try everything you like. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. ...
#Lanzhou Hand Pulled Noodles 图源自yelp 低调且正宗的Lanzhou Hand Pulled Noodles现在无疑是湾区兰州拉面的第一手招牌,非常还原国内兰州拉面的味道。面条手工现拉,新鲜有韧劲,汤底讲究,就着牛肉、浇上一点油泼辣子,呼哧呼哧热腾腾一碗下肚那是满足的感觉!它家最近在Cupertino也开了新店,附近的小伙伴也可以去尝尝...
Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles are a form of intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) from Gansu Province. A bowl of typical hand-pulled noodles comes with beef broth, slices of beef, and coriander(香菜). Zhong Yunfei, 14, Beijing
Hand-pulled noodles with beef is the most famous and ubiquitous pasta in Lanzhou. Let me give you to two tips to measure quality. First, pay attention to the name of the restaurant; do not go to an eatery whose na...
必应词典为您提供Lanzhou-hand-pulled-noodles的释义,网络释义: 兰州拉面;英文翻译;