Disable SMBv1 on Windows 2003 Server DisableStrictNameChecking not allowing Windows 10 clients to access 2012 R2 file server DisableStrictNameChecking; server alias does not work from the actual server Disk Caching with SMB File Share Disk is not showing up Disk is showing as Read-Only in Disk...
如果啟用此原則設定,SMB 伺服器會從用戶端支援的加密套件清單中選取最偏好的加密套件,而忽略用戶端的喜好設定。 如果您停用或未設定此原則設定,SMB 伺服器會從伺服器支援的加密套件清單中選取用戶端最偏好的加密套件。 注意 設定此安全性設定時,在您重新啟動 Windows 之前,變更不會生效。
SMBServerPerfSetting = 1 if "Balance" SMBServerPerfSetting = 2 if "Maximize Throughput for File Sharing" OSVersion = 2 if running NTServer with > 16MB RAM #Processors = is the number of processors in the system In the formula you’ll notice that it refers to the SMBServerPerfSetting...
File size1,042 Date (UTC)20-Aug-2010 Time (UTC)08:29 PlatformNot applicable File nameIa64_microsoft-windows-smbserver_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.20785_none_f956858f654ab33d.manifest File versionNot applicable File size48,996 Date (UTC)20-Aug-2010 ...
Disabling NTLMv1 Disabling SMBv1 on windows 2012R2 Domain controller Disabling users that have been inactive for longer than 45 days. Question about msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval Disabling WSH and it's impact on Logon Scripts Disadvantages to making all DCs a GC? Discovering Service Account Usage ...
Disable SMBv1 on Windows 2003 Server DisableStrictNameChecking not allowing Windows 10 clients to access 2012 R2 file server DisableStrictNameChecking; server alias does not work from the actual server Disk Caching with SMB File Share Disk is not showing up Disk is showing as Read-Only in Di...
Value 1 Name: Route Type: REG_MULTI_SZ Data: "Smb" "Tcpip" "{2C346B66-DC03-4F25-8294-E25AADB46C0E}" "Smb" "Tcpip6" "{37EEA7A1-E370-4CC6-B5F4-606F97A0E097}" "Smb" "Tcpip6" "{2C346B66-DC03-4F25-8294-E25AADB46C0E}" "Smb" "Tcpip6" "{7AA7F8E3-0532-47A1-B...
このポリシー設定は、SMB サーバーによって使用される暗号スイートを決定します。このポリシー設定を有効にすると、暗号スイートは指定した順序で優先されます。このポリシー設定を有効にし、サポートされている暗号スイートを少なくとも 1 つ指定しない場合、またはこのポリシー設定を無効に...
SMB 3.11 cipher suites:AES_128_GCM.AES_128_CCM.AES_256_GCM.AES_256_CCM.SMB 3.0 and 3.02 cipher suites:AES_128_CCM.How to modify this setting:Arrange the desired cipher suites in the edit box, one cipher suite per line, in order from most to least preferred, with the most preferred ...