この記事では、LanManWorkstation サービスが起動せず、Windows でエラー 2250 が生成される問題を解決する方法について説明します。 適用対象:Windows Server 2022、Windows Server 2019、Windows 11、Windows 10 現象 LanmanWorkstation サービスが起動せず、Windows によって次のメッセージ...
LanmanWorkstation 服務不會啟動,而 Windows 會產生下列訊息: Windows 無法在本機計算機上啟動工作站。 如需詳細資訊,請檢閱系統事件記錄檔。 如果這是非 Microsoft 服務,請連絡服務廠商,並參閱服務特定錯誤碼 2250。 備註 此行為可能會影響 LanmanWorkstation 服務以外的其他服務。
The LanmanWorkstation subkey stores configuration data for the Workstation service. The Workstation service provides network connections and communications on computers running Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.English (United States) Your Privacy Choices Theme Manage cookies Previous ...
Registry Key NameSoftware\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\LanmanWorkstation Registry Value NameAllowInsecureGuestAuth ADMX File NameLanmanWorkstation.admx Related articles Policy configuration service provider Feedback Was this page helpful? YesNo Provide product feedback ...
2. Remote printing will not work Is your computer sharing its printer with other computers? If so, the service being down will affect folks printing from those other computers. Specifically, Windows will tell them that the remote printer is “Offline”. All their print requests will enter the...
server服务不见 windows无法启动server服务错误1068 windows无法启动workstation服务 workstation服务无法启动 win7没有lanman工作站 错误1075服务不存在或已标记为删除 server服务无法启动 win7服务器管理器怎么打开 server服务怎么开启 此系统的本地策略不允许交互式登录 错误2114没有启动服务器服务 相关...
Monday, February 14, 2011 7:24 PMI resolved this error on Windows Server 2008 R2 (11/16/2010) - this is mainly to help someone else from wasting hours like I did and serve as a record when I forget the solution. :) The server service would...
Cannot ping DC, but DNS service on the box is working for all workstations cannot ping default gateway, cannot access the internet Cannot promote DC as RODC, Replication operation failed because the target object referenced by a link value is recycled Cannot raise the domai...
The problem seems to be LanmanWorkstation service not starting. When I try to start the service I get this error: "Windows could not start the Workstation service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start" ...