Japan is an island country located in East Asia, comprising around 6,852 islands, which is one of the reasons why there are several languages spoken in Japan. Around 97% of the land area of Japan is made up of the largest islands, Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Honshu. The Japanese refer...
Numbers vary widely —Ethnologueputs the number of native speakers at 1.3 billion native speakers, roughly 900 million of whom speakMandarin— but there’s no doubt it’s the most spoken language in the world. If you wish to learn a language that one in six people in the world speak, thi...
Japanese is one of the most geographically concentrated languages on this list of the most spoken languages in the world because nearly all of the world’s native Japanese speakers live in Japan. Beyond Japan, there are also large groups of native Japanese speakers in the US, Philippines, and...
根据第一段中的“More than 6,000 languages are spoken on the earth today. "得出答案。 54. Chinese. 根据第一段中的“Chinese is a language spoken by the largest number of people in the world. "得出答案。 55. Because in the modern world English is widely used for business between ...
Japan Japanese Jordan Arabic (official), English (widely understood among upper and middle classes) Kazakhstan Kazakh (official, Qazaq) 83.1% (understand spoken language) and trilingual (Kazakh, Russian, English) 22.3% (2017 est.); Russian (official, used in everyday business, designated the...
Topic 1There are more than 3000 languages spoken in the world. Of all these languages, English is the most( wide ) used. Recent survey show that more than 500 million people speak English their mother tongue.From its roots _in England, the language was around the world by English traders...
Japan Japanese Jordan Arabic (official), English (widely understood among upper and middle classes) Kazakhstan Kazakh (official, Qazaq) 83.1% (understand spoken language) and trilingual (Kazakh, Russian, English) 22.3% (2017 est.); Russian (official, used in everyday business, designated the...
the correct country name.Finally,discuss which languages are spoken in these countries.Activity 3:Except the six countries and their languages,the teacher asks students to try to write the official languages of some other countries,such as China, Korea, Japan, Egypt, Denmark, Thailand and Italy....
Passage 31Most Spoken Languages Languages Spoken by the Most People900Chinese800Hindi700.600English500Spanish400Bengali300Portugese200Russian100Japanese OSpeakers (millions) A "hub" is the country where the language comes from."Countries" is the number of countries where the language is spoken. "Speake...
2. Think about which languages are spoken in these countries.se countries.FranceFrenchEiffel TowerLouvre Museum卢浮宫RussiaRussianRed squarePutinMatryoshka doll套娃GermanyGermansausageBrandenburg Gate勃兰登堡门CanadaEnglish/FrenchCCCCN Tower国家电视塔IndiaHindi/EnglishTaj Mahal泰姬陵Bollywood宝莱坞SpainSpanish...