A lot of people speak English, but there are other languages one can learn. There is Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and many others. My favorite language is Latin, even though it's a dead language. A dead language means that almost nobody speaks it anymore. But I like ...
An extinct language is one that no one speaks anymore. There are no more people in the world for whom such a language would be their mother tongue. It is similar with dead languages such as Latin. In this case, too, there are no people for whom it would be their native langua...
Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Fun Slang in Languages Nobody Speaks Anymore HOW RANKINGS WORK 1 82 votes Agree or Disagree? Earthapple People who spoke Middle English referred to potatoes as earthapples, which is what everyone should be calling them right now....
Most divisive:Berber Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Fun Slang in Languages Nobody Speaks Anymore HOW RANKINGS WORK Ranked byAll voters region age menwomen rank it your way 1 82votes Agree or Disagree?
while others use English for the most part. One regular customer has apologized for speaking Amish in my car because she feels that it is “rude”. I have told her that I don’t consider it rude when she speaks to other Amish in front of me as long as I don’t hear my name (...
I had to completely steer clear of anymore relationship-related stuff because I didn’t want this to fester. The last thing I need is something to give us more reasons to throw at each other. Best to keep the calm and keep the peace. Unlike other couples, maybe we shouldnottalk about ...
I like languages>The language I like best is Latin>Latin is a kind of 76•血ad (死白勺)language.That means that almost no body speaks it anymore.But I like it nbeccmse (因为)it is so old.It was mostly H&spoken (说)and written a long time ago.lt was the language of ancient ...
That word is rarely used anymore and 'sandwich' is probably understood and even commonly used in many countries, although it is clearly English. It's common use has crossed borders. IN business as well, many terms, often English, are used and become adopted worldwide. We seem to be going...
As a “secret” language, knowing Draconic can give you an edge over creatures who assume you don’t understand them. Additionally, if another in your party also speaks Draconic, you can use it as your own secret language to deceive enemies. ...
that should be enough. Let the main lessons be taught by someone who speaks with a more standard Brazilian accent, not one unique to one specific city. So stupid. Second, half the time they teach you how to pronounce words, they don't even pronounce them in a Portuguese way at all. ...