All text following a # to the end of the line is ignored by the assembler. A # can be the first character in a line, or it can be preceded by any number of characters, blank spaces, or both. For example: : (colon) a 3,4,5 # Puts the sum of GPR4 and GPR5 into GPR3. ...
Transcription, segmentation, and labeling were performed for all acoustic stimuli. Both orthographic and phonetic transcriptions were created to provide human-readable text of the speech stimuli. Segmentation created time codes for boundaries between units, and labeling created labels for the spans between...
Whereas the fixed-ration deletion method requires that every nth word in the original text is replaced with a blank, the rational deletion method gives the test writer control over the material that is deleted and potentially helps measure a more diverse set of TL proficiency components (Bachman ...
nameConnection name(free-form text)true adapterDatabase type"mysql" or "postgres" or "sqlite3" or "bigquery"true hostDatabase hoststringfalse portDatabase portstringfalsemysql:3306, postgres:5432 userDatabase userstringfalsemysql:"root", postgres:"postgres" ...
size(0))] batch_response = [ decode_tokens( batch_out_ids[i][padding_lens[i]:], tokenizer, raw_text_len=len(batch_raw_text[i]), context_length=(batch_input_ids[i].size(0)-padding_lens[i]), chat_format="chatml", verbose=False, errors='replace' ) for i in range(len(all_...
2.1.584 Part 4 Section 2.18.77, ST_ProofErr (Proofing Error Type) 2.1.585 Part 4 Section 2.18.82, ST_RubyAlign (Phonetic Guide Text Alignment) 2.1.586 Part 4 Section 2.18.85, ST_Shd (Shading Patterns) 2.1.587 Part 4 Section 2.18.87, ST_SignedHpsMeasure (Signed Measurement in H...
The script should be served with the text/javascript MIME type, but browsers are lenient and only block them if the script is served with an image type (image/*), a video type (video/*), an audio type (audio/*), or text/csv. If the script is blocked, an error event is sent to...
Unless the following are true, the compiler returns an error: Text expressions evaluate to a static string (information that does not change at runtime) The data type of arguments match The passed parameter resolves to a reference to an existing Model node or Property User Properties must ...
2.1.584 Part 4 Section 2.18.77, ST_ProofErr (Proofing Error Type) 2.1.585 Part 4 Section 2.18.82, ST_RubyAlign (Phonetic Guide Text Alignment) 2.1.586 Part 4 Section 2.18.85, ST_Shd (Shading Patterns) 2.1.587 Part 4 Section 2.18.87, ST_SignedHpsMeasure (Signed Measurement in Half...
go-i18n - Package and an accompanying tool to work with localized text. go-mystem - CGo bindings to Yandex.Mystem - russian morphology analyzer. - ⬇️1 - ⭐2 go-nlp - Utilities for working with discrete probability distributions and other tools useful for doing NLP work. go-pinyin ...