LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS AND APPROACHES Methods/Approaches Proponent/s Theory of Language and Theory of Learning Student Roles Teacher Roles Procedure Reactions/Comments 1.The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Harold Palmer A.S. Hornby ...
LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS AND APPROACHES语言教学的方法和途径[精品].doc,LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODS AND APPROACHES Methods/Approaches Proponent/s Theory of Language and Theory of Learning Student Roles Teacher Roles Procedure Reactions/Comments 1.The Oral A
127 p. approaches and methods in language teaching 156 p. Approaches_and_Methods_in_Language_Teaching_(II) 12 p. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 7 p. Approaches and Methods in Foreign Language Teaching 156 p. Approaches_and_Methods_in_Language_Teaching(II) 90 p. approaches...
Unit twoIntroduction to language Teaching Approaches M words in L1; m words in L2; If M m, where is I,2 Basic Principles
IntroductiontolanguageTeaching Approaches&Methods 2021-8-301 1.TheGrammar-translationMethod (1)TheoreticalBasis ●Psychologicalsupport:FacultyPsychology TheFacultyPsychologistsbelievedthatthemindof humanbeingshadvariousfacultieswhichcouldbetrained separately.Understandingandmemorizationof ...
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching UnitFourApproachesandMethodsinLanguageTeachingI:Grammar–translationMethodtranslationMEPSKARFE Objectives Attheendofthislesson,studentswill1.knowwhatgrammar–translationmethodis.2.beabletobeclearabouttheteachingprocessofthismethod.3.beabletotelltheadvantagesanddisadvantagesof...
1、Unit threeCommunicative language teaching b. Meaning is primary; c. Task completion has some priority; d. The assessment of the task is in terms of outcomes.,(4) Characteristics of a task-based teaching and learning,a. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in target la...
Objectives distinguish the three concepts of “approach”, “method” and “technique” understand the characteristics of major approaches and methods in language teaching apply major approaches and methods to language teaching Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to: PART/01 approach ...
OrganizationRegional Language Centre, SingaporeandTheodore S. RodgersUniversity of HawaiiManoa© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.orgCambridge University Press978-0-521-80365-6 - Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Second EditionJack C. Richards and Theodore S. RodgersCopyright Information...