Spoken Mandarin Chinese Here are some samples of some words and sentences in Mandarin Chinese. Simplified Characters are on the left, and Traditional characters are on the right. The pronunciation is given in the pinyin system, which may not always be as simple as it looks for those who have...
I imagine most LH readers are at least vaguely familiar with the mysterious script associated with the Indus Valley Civilization that flourished over four millennia ago; the great question is whether it is a writing system representing a spoken language (the question of what that language might hav...
Although the varieties of Prakrit were eventually reduced to writing, the spoken language continued to evolve, and during the last few centuries of the first millennium AD, it became what is known as Apabhramsa, meaning "corrupt" or "vulgar" (Nayar 1969, p.32). Around the thirteenth century...
A stepping stone in this direction is the research of the sign language translation (SLT) task, which aims to produce a spoken language translation of a sign language video or vice versa. By implementing these types of translators in portable devices, we will make considerable progress towards ...
[11] Given the large number of potential benefits of language proficiency and the robust results regarding the effect of proficiency on migration success in terms of economic and social integration, migrants should have an incentive to learn the language spoken in their host country. Previous survey...
The new dialects have different grammar.Hasidic Yiddish in Brooklyn has a different grammar than YIVO standard Yiddish, than the dialects spoken in Europe a hundred years ago, and than the secular books people may be interested in reading in Yiddish.Case marking has all but disappeared in Hasidic...
The ultimate origins of English lie inIndo-European, a family oflanguages consisting of most of the languages of Europe and those of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, and other parts of Asia. Because little is known about ancient Indo-European (which may have been spoken as long ago as 3,000...
5. In the 1961 it was the language spoken in childhood by the person‟s mother to the person, mainly spoken in the household. 6. During 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 it was the language spoken in childhood by the person‟s mother to the person. If the mother died in infancy then ...
Bilingual communities face many obstacles when considering the legal and applied aspects of language use in schools. Many bilingual countries exhibit the following linguistic spatial pattern: Prestigious state language is predominately spoken in cities and familial regional language is predominately spoken ...
His transcriptions of Kyrgyz and Turki names (Kyrgyz being spoken on the north side of the Tian Shan range, and Turki, or Uyghur, being spoken on the south side) are often different from those used today. So a little detective work is needed, a little linguistic knowledge, and a pile ...