Hummell 和 Knyphausen 最初将 Trados 定位为语言服务提供商(Language Service Provider (LSP)),以投标 IB…|基于3个网页 2. 语言服务供应商 ...的实力,与国外叫做自由译者(Freelance)和语言服务供应商(Language service provider )的同行们相比,甚至于与香港和台 …|基于...
CSA于2015年发布的《LSP Metrix》,引入了“语言服务商成熟度”的概念,将语言服务商(LSP) 按照特定的标准分为六个等级。于甲方(客户)而言,可以根据其中的一系列衡量尺度来审视乙方(LSP),确定其等级,再开展综合评估,最终得出针对性的结论。于乙方而言,运用这些尺度开展自我审视,可以发现当前阶段最致命的不足,再集中...
Partnering with a language service provider like Smartling helped Yext mitigate these challenges and scale its translation efforts with ease. Additionally, Smartling helped Yext achieve an 87% increase in translation accuracy and a25% reduction in cost per wordwhile also reducing how many words needed...
Language Service Provider If you are an Language Service Provider and would like to be a part of our team. APPLY NOW Trados Authorised Reseller in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. READ MORE...
A Language Service Provider, or LSP for short, is an industry term for a company that sells translation and localization services. There are many different types of LSPs and each company sells a different set of services. Here are some of the LSP variants: SLP (Single Language Providers) ...
Global Arena is a language and cultural solutions provider. With us you will find a complete solution to your ever changing needs. Contact us!
Established in 2003, Green Crescent offers professional language services in document translation, multilingual desktop publishing and transcription. We offer ISO standard quality service and highly personalized customer service and specially tailored wo
Get professional language service providers for bringing success to your business that will increase your business sales and help to target new markets.
publicinterfaceclassILanguageServiceProvider Remarks An implementing type should export this interface with theExportLanguageServiceProviderAttribute. Methods 展开表 InitializeAsync(String, IReadOnlyCollection<FileContext>, CancellationToken) Initializes the language service for the specified file, or updates i...
服务级协议 (SLA, service-level agreement):明确在项目执行过程中的细节,如响应时间、交付速度、质量要求、奖惩等。 有时候,SOW和SLA也不会特别区分,相关内容可能在一个文档中。 和供应商签订合作时,Jack重点关注后两项(SOW和SLA也可合二为一)。成熟的供应商一般有较为完善的条款,Jack在其上修改即可。双方若有...