This language policy (LP) research focuses on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), a very rich research context, yet at the moment under-researched in terms of LP studies. Based on an English-French bilingual crèche in Strasbourg, this article aim
O’Keeffe, Anne, Michael McCarthy & Ronald Carter. 2007. From corpus to classroom: Language use and language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.10.1017/CBO9780511497650Search in Google Scholar Ojijo, Pascal. 2012. Review of education policy in Uganda. Paper submitte...
McCarthy, G., Nobre, A. C., Bentin, S. & Spencer, D. D. Language-related field potentials in the anterior-medial temporal-lobe. 1. Intracranial distribution and neural generators. J. Neurosci. 15, 1080–1089 (1995). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bierwisch, M. Formal and lexical semanti...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
When submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Memory and Language, on the first page of the submission form, the authors are confronted with the open data policy: “We require articles published in the Journal to make publicly available any stimuli, data, analysis code, and computational models...
Policy and Practice HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY John Barnum McCarthySheila VeronicaThis paper looks at public opinion about the Irish language in the form of letters to the editor to two national Irish daily newspapers, the Irish Independent and the Irish Examiner. The opinions are measured against ...
Mccarthy, Anjanie ; Lee, Kang. Children’s Knowledge of Deceptive Gaze Cues and Its Relation to Their Actual Lying Behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2009. 103(2): 117-134. Mann, Samantha ; Ewens, Sarah ; Shaw, Dominic ; Vrij, Aldert ; Leal, Sharon ; Hillman, Jackie....
Mccarthy, Anjanie ; Lee, Kang. Children’s Knowledge of Deceptive Gaze Cues and Its Relation to Their Actual Lying Behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2009. 103(2): 117-134. Mann, Samantha ; Ewens, Sarah ; Shaw, Dominic ; Vrij, Aldert ; Leal, Sharon ; Hillman, Jackie....
For example, the opening of Silent Spring (Carson 1962), or short passages from The Road (McCarthy 2009), from Stephen Emmott’s 10 Billion (2013), or David Attenborough’s A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future (2020). The passages could be distributed...
McCarthy (2013) asks whether there are phonological systems necessitating irreducible parallelism in grammar—systems requiring that multiple changes to the input apply in parallel, in a single derivational step. Such systems would necessitate a framework with lookahead: the ability to see from a given...